
Authors: Hicks, Carolyn; Jackson, Peter.

Article: A study of the relationship between the Stroop effect and reading age in dyslexic subjects.

Publication: Journal of Research in Reading (Wiley). 4: 29-33 1981 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.1981.tb00217.x


40 dyslexic subjects were given a version of the Stroop test and the magnitude of interference was plotted as a function of reading age as measured by the British Ability Scale. A negative linear relationship emerged, such that greater reading proficiency was associated with less interference. This result is discussed in the context of LaBerge and Samuel’s theory of automatic information processing in reading.

Tagged as: stroop interference


Hicks, C. and Jackson, P. (1981), A study of the relationship between the Stroop effect and reading age in dyslexic subjects. Journal of Research in Reading, 4: 29-33. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9817.1981.tb00217.x

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