
Authors: Kirby, Philip, Caroline Holden, Paul A. Thompson, Maggie Snowling, Julia Carroll.
Publication: 2024 | DOI: 10.35542/
Explores consensus in professional practice; why, when and what to assess. • Discusses the current assessment context for children with difficulties learning to read, spell and write. • Supports the ongoing use of the label dyslexia for persistent impairments in reading fluency and allied difficulties, such as spelling. • Suggests an assessment framework for the identification of dyslexia. • In the identification of dyslexia, highlights and discusses areas that require further research.
Kirby, P., Holden, C., Thompson, P. A., Snowling, M., & Carroll, J. (2024, May 2). Towards a consensus for dyslexia practice: Findings of a Delphi study on assessment and identification.