
Authors: YiZhen Li, Hong-Yan Bi.

Article: Comparative research on neural dysfunction in children with dyslexia under different writing systems: A meta-analysis study.

Publication: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Review (Elsevier). Volume 137, 104650 2022 | DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104650


Dyslexic children have common hypoactivation in the left IFC and ACC.
Chinese dyslexic children showed higher hypoactivation in the left IFC and MCC.
Alphabetic dyslexic children showed higher hypoactivation in the left OTC and IPL.
Chinese dyslexic children showed specific hyperactivation.


Developmental dyslexia is a special learning disorder which is prevalent in all languages. A central question in dyslexia is whether the neural mechanism of their defects is universal or distinct in different writing systems. Using meta-analytic approach, we created meta-images using activation abnormalities in Chinese and alphabetic children with dyslexia to find convergence and divergence under different writing systems. The results revealed that dyslexic children have a universal attention-related dysfunction with hypoactivation in the left inferior frontal cortex (IFC) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) under different writing systems, in spite of differences of degree and spatial extent in those regions. Alphabetic dyslexic children additionally showed hypoactivation in the left occipito-temporo-parietal regions. Chinese dyslexic children showed specific hyperactivation in the right postcentral gyrus, the left rectus, and the right middle temporal gyrus. The present meta-analysis for the first time showed both shared and distinct abnormalities in children with dyslexia under Chinese and alphabetic writing systems.

Tagged as: brain activation, brain differences, chinese, left hemisphere, and writing systems


YiZhen Li, Hong-Yan Bi, Comparative research on neural dysfunction in children with dyslexia under different writing systems: A meta-analysis study, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,
Volume 137, 2022, 104650,