
Authors: Liersch, Ute.

Article: Dyslexia: Shackles far beyond the written word.

Publication: Leadership and Diversity In Psychology: Moving Beyond the Limits (Routledge). Chapter 9, page 105 2019

Why is it so difficult for a person with dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia to
enter higher education—even to work in academia? Is it because Dyslexia
Support is not sufficient? Is it because we are not intelligent or motivated
enough? Ute Liersch critically considers these questions by investigating
the genesis of dyslexia, by exploring the helpfulness and hindrances of a
diagnosis of dyslexia and by challenging the non-dyslexic reader’s assumptions. She invites us into her life as a dyslexic and how she clawed her way
into academia, always carefully sharing what she learned along the way.
This chapter offers a genuine eye-opener to those for whom correct spelling seems like second nature, who cannot understand the phenomenon of