
Authors: Maria Luisa Lorusso , Alessio Toraldo.

Article: Revisiting Multifactor Models of Dyslexia: Do They Fit Empirical Data and What Are Their Implications for Intervention?.

Publication: Brain Sciences (MDPI). 13, no. 2: 328 2023 | DOI: 10.3390/brainsci13020328

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Developmental dyslexia can be viewed as the result of the effects of single deficits or multiple deficits. This study presents a test of the applicability of a multifactor-interactive model (MFi-M) with a preliminary set of five variables corresponding to different neuropsychological functions involved in the reading process. The model has been tested on a sample of 55 school-age children with developmental dyslexia. The results show that the data fit a model in which each variable contributes to the reading ability in a non-additive but rather interactive way. These findings constitute a preliminary validation of the plausibility of the MFi-M, and encourage further research to add relevant factors and specify their relative weights. It is further discussed how subtype-based intervention approaches can be a suitable and advantageous framework for clinical intervention in a MFi-M perspective.

Tagged as: dyslexia theories and multifactorial model


Lorusso, Maria Luisa, and Alessio Toraldo. 2023. “Revisiting Multifactor Models of Dyslexia: Do They Fit Empirical Data and What Are Their Implications for Intervention?” Brain Sciences 13, no. 2: 328. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci13020328

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