
Authors: Aparna Natraj.

Article: Pixel: Building a Dyslexic Child's Mind.

Publication: Master's Thesis, Rochester Institute of Technology 2017

This thesis looked into various educational applications that help dyslexic children and identified that they rely heavily on intensive instruction in phonetic code and the learning method employed by these applications do not create a lasting impact. The proposed solution integrated the symbol mastery method of learning to create a new digital learning experience that solves the problem of reading accurately and fluently. A combination of hands on experience, visual aid and teaching the big picture, solves the problem through letter formation and shape building thus creating a method of permanent learning. The purpose of the application was to create a learning experience that blends with a dyslexic child’s unique thought process. The more a dyslexic can understand the traits of their thought process, the more adaptable to the word-thinking environment he/she becomes