
Authors: Elizabeth S Norton, Sara D Beach, John DE Gabrieli.

Article: Neurobiology of dyslexia.

Publication: Current Opinion in Neurobiology (Elsevier). Volume 30, 2015, Pages 73-78 2015 | DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2014.09.007

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Neuroimaging is identifying brain differences related to causes of dyslexia.
Brain bases of specific aspects of dyslexia have been better identified.
Genetics may bridge study of neural mechanisms to dyslexia in humans.

Abstract: Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities, yet its brain basis and core causes are not yet fully understood. Neuroimaging methods, including structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, and electrophysiology, have significantly contributed to knowledge about the neurobiology of dyslexia. Recent studies have discovered brain differences before formal instruction that likely encourage or discourage learning to read effectively, distinguished between brain differences that likely reflect the etiology of dyslexia versus brain differences that are the consequences of variation in reading experience, and identified distinct neural networks associated with specific psychological factors that are associated with dyslexia.

Tagged as: brain development, neural connectivity, and neurodiversity


Elizabeth S Norton, Sara D Beach, John DE Gabrieli,
Neurobiology of dyslexia,
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 30, 2015, Pages 73-78

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