Poole 2010

Authors: Jennifer Poole.
Article: The Orientation Theory of dyslexia: uniting current schisms through an ecological perspective.
Publication: Educational Review 62:2, 215-229 2010 | DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2010.481045
In earlier work the concept of Orientation (O) was proposed as the key factor in successful literacy acquisition. This article develops that idea further to discuss the potential of Orientation Theory (OT) to unite current conflicts between apparently opposing theories of dyslexia. After briefly outlining these theoretical differences it is proposed that by adopting an ecological paradigm, in place of a “within child” model, the three major theories of dyslexia can be seen to offer valid but partial explanations within the wider concept of orientation. Orientation (O) and Genetic Identity (GI) generated as the two essential factors of OT are described in relation to these three theories. The application of OT in both UK educational policy and early years development are outlined. Finally, some answers to Nicolson’s six questions for dyslexia are provided.