Teaching math

How can I teach math to dyslexic students?

Dyslexic students tend to be good at understanding three-dimensional objects, spatial reasoning, and things they can see in pictures. They have problems with symbols, so their math problems often stem from difficulty with the symbolic representation of math concepts. They also have problems thinking with words, so rote memory of math sums (such as multiplication tables) is very difficult. Finally, because they are ‘big picture’ thinkers, they often have trouble with sequential, step-by-step logic or ordering – obviously important to follow a series of steps such as learning to do long division.
With this in mind, tools that teach math concepts through hands-on activities and manipulatives are very good. It is important to make sure that the student understands the basic concepts that numbers and other mathematical symbols represent. You also will want to help the student see where any mathematical process is leading; before a dyslexic student can learn steps in a process, the student will want to know why and how these steps will lead to the intended result.
(Answer by Abigail Marshall)
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