Research Database
This website contains an extensive and growing database of research studies and other academic publications. The database is fully searchable using the regular site search function.
To assist students and other academic researchers, this page also contains links to specific lists of studies or publications organized by keywords or specific topics.
Davis Methods:
Research and reports specifically tied to Davis techniques and programs.
- Academic Research Referencing Davis
- Books Referencing Ronald Davis’ Work
- Comparative Reviews of Methods
- Davis Research Studies
General Dyslexia Research / Specific Topics
Lists of articles in our site database tied to specific topics.
- Research Topic: Brain Function and Dyslexic Resiliency
- Research Topic: Building Visual Memory for Letters and Words
- Research Topic: Davis Symbol Mastery
- Research Topic: Disorientation
- Research Topic: Infant Brain Development and Dyslexia
- Research Topic: Letter Names and Alphabet Learning
- Research Topic: Mirror Generalization
- Research Topic: Nonresponse to Traditional Intervention
- Research Topic: Orton-Gillingham based teaching
- Research Topic: Picture-Thinking and Dyslexia
- Research Topic: Reading Fluency
- Research Topic: Word Meaning
Research-Focused Articles
These articles include summaries and citations to published research.