Research Topic: Word Meaning

Substantial research shows dyslexics who gain strong reading skills benefit from and rely on strategies tied to understanding word meaning. This includes educational strategies such as vocabulary development and morphological awareness and use of context and predictive strategies. Research has also shown that dyslexics with stronger reading skill process word meaning of familiar words in their brains more rapidly than they respond to phonetic or orthographic information.

Research Articles:

Van der Kleij, Sanne W; Margriet A. Groen, Eliane Segers, Ludo Verhoeven. Enhanced semantic involvement during word recognition in children with dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Volume 178, Pages 15-29, (2019).

Law, Jeremy M.; Anneli Veispak, Jolijn Vanderauwera, and Pol Ghesquière. Morphological awareness and visual processing of derivational morphology in high-functioning adults with dyslexia: An avenue to compensation?. Applied Psycholinguistics. Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 483-506, May, (2018).

Eddy Cavalli, Pascale Colé, Chotiga Pattamadilok, Jean-Michel Badier, Christelle Zielinski, Valérie Chanoine, Johannes C. Ziegler. Spatiotemporal reorganization of the reading network in adult dyslexia. Cortex. Volume 92, Pages 204-221, (2017).

Eddy Cavalli, Lynne G. Duncan, Carsten Elbro, Abdessadek El Ahmadi, Pascale Colé. Phonemic—Morphemic dissociation in university students with dyslexia: an index of reading compensation?. Annals of Dyslexia. Vol 67, Issue 1, pp 63-84, (2017).

Paz Suárez-Coalla, Cristina Martínez-García, Fernando Cuetos. Morpheme-Based Reading and Writing in Spanish Children with Dyslexia. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol 8, p. 1952, (2017).

Karen E. Waldie, Anna J. Wilson, Reece P. Roberts, David Moreau. Reading network in dyslexia: Similar, yet different. Brain and Language. Volume 174, Pages 29-41, November, (2017).

Eddy Cavalli, Séverine Casalis, Abdessadek El Ahmadi, Mélody Zira, Florence Poracchia-George, Pascale Colé. Vocabulary skills are well developed in university students with dyslexia: Evidence from multiple case studies. Research in Developmental Disabilities. Volumes 51–52, Pages 89-102, (2016).

Suggate, Sebastian P.. A Meta-Analysis of the Long-Term Effects of Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, and Reading Comprehension Interventions. Journal of Learning Disabilities. Volume 49, Issue 1, 77-96. ( first published online: April 4, 2014), (2016).

Jeremy M. Law, Jan Wouters, Pol Ghesquière. Morphological Awareness and Its Role in Compensation in Adults with Dyslexia. Dyslexia. 21(3):254-72, (2015).

Pauline Quémart , Séverine Casalis. Visual processing of derivational morphology in children with developmental dyslexia: Insights from masked priming. Applied Psycholinguistics. Volume 36, Issue 2, pp. 345-376, (2013).

Hoeft Fumiko, McCandliss Bruce D, Black Jessica M, et al. Neural systems predicting long-term outcome in dyslexia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Vol 108 No. 1: 361-366, (2010).

Suzanne E. Welcome, Christiana M. Leonard, Christine Chiarello. Alternate reading strategies and variable asymmetry of the planum temporale in adult resilient readers. Brain and Language. 113: 73-83, (2010).

S. Hélène Deacon, Rauno Parrila & John R. Kirby. Processing of derived forms in high-functioning dyslexics. Annals of Dyslexia. 56, 103–128, (2006).

Berninger, Virginia W.; Karin Vermeulen, Robert D. Abbott, Deborah McCutchen, Susanna Cotton, Jennifer Cude, Susan Dorn and Tod Sharon. Comparison of Three Approaches to Supplementary Reading Instruction for Low-Achieving Second-Grade Readers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. Vol 34, Issue 2, pages 99-166, April, (2003).

Shaywitz SE, Shaywitz BA, Fulbright R, et al. Neural Systems for Compensation and Persistence: Young Adult Outcome of Childhood Reading Disability. Biological Psychiatry. 54:25-33, (2003).

Rumsey JM, Horwitz B, Donohue BC, Nace KL, Maisog JM, Andreason P.. A functional lesion in developmental dyslexia: left angular gyral blood flow predicts severity.. Brain and Language. 70(2):187-204, (1999).

B. Horwitz, J. M. Rumsey, and B. C. Donohue. Functional connectivity of the angular gyrus in normal reading and dyslexia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 95(15): 8939–8944, (1998).

Elbro C,, Arnbak E.. The role of morpheme recognition and morphological awareness in dyslexia.. Annals of Dyslexia. 46(1):209-40, (1996).

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