
Authors: S. Hélène Deacon, Rauno Parrila & John R. Kirby.

Article: Processing of derived forms in high-functioning dyslexics.

Publication: Annals of Dyslexia (Springer). 56, 103–128 2006 | DOI: 10.1007/s11881-006-0005-3

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We report on an experiment designed to evaluate processing of derived forms in high-functioning dyslexics, defined as university students with a history of reading difficulties who have age-appropriate reading comprehension skills. We compared high-functioning dyslexics with a group of normal adult readers in their performance on a lexical decision task with derived items (such as cloudy and ably) and pseudo-derived items (such as belly and gravy). Some items contained an orthographic change (such as able-ably and gravy) and others did not (such as cloud – cloudy). The results indicated that although control participants’ response times varied systematically as a function of morphological complexity, those of high-functioning dyslexics did not. Further, there was some evidence of a relationship between derivational processing and reading. It seems that high-functioning dyslexics have persistent difficulties in processing one particular aspect of morphology; that of derived forms.

Tagged as: altbrain, compensation, morphological processing, and wordmeaning


Deacon, S.H., Parrila, R. & Kirby, J.R. Processing of derived forms in high-functioning dyslexics. Ann. of Dyslexia 56, 103–128 (2006).

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