
Authors: Abdolghaderi M., Kodamehri Shijani F.,Kafi M.,Falah M.,Khosrojavid M..

Article: The Effectiveness Of Orientation And Symbol Mastery On The Quality Of Reading In Dyslexic Boy Students.

Publication: Journal of Learning Disabilities (University Of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran). Volume 7 , Number 1 #M00139; Page(s) 61 To 75. 2017


Reading disorder comprising perceptual, cognitive and linguistic dimensions continues until adolescent and adulthood. This paper investigated the effectiveness of Orientation and Symbol Mastery upon the quality of reading in dyslexic boy students. This is an experimental study with a pretest and posttest design and a control group. From the statistical population, 30 boy dyslexic students of 3rd grade were selected by multi-stage random cluster sampling and divided into experimental and control group. The instruments of the research were Wechsler’s children intelligence scale and Kariminoori and Moradi reading test and dyslexia.

Orientation and Symbol Mastery based on Davis Dyslexia Correction for reading was trained in thirty-minute 16 sessions. Result from multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA) showed that orientation and symbol mastery training resulted in improving reading of dyslexic students.

According to the results of the research, it can be said that the intervention of orientation and symbol mastery can be effective in teaching dyslexic people how to read.