
Authors: Ambrose, Patricia Philip; and Loh Sau Cheong.

Article: Effects of the Clay Modeling Program on the Reading Behavior of Children with Dyslexia: A Malaysian Case Study.

Publication: Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (De La Salle University-Manila). 20 (3): 456-468 2011

[Full Text]

Case Study – Malaysia, 2011: Researchers worked with three 13-year-old nonreading dyslexic girls, using a program of clay modeling and reading exercises adapted from Davis Symbol Mastery and the Davis reading exercises. Post-test results showed that all three students were able to fluently read a passage containing words studied with clay modeling, as well as correctly identify and spell all words; however they were not able to learn a different passage studied without use of clay.

Tagged as: davis reading exercises and symbol mastery

Excerpts from Full Text / Notes:

case study of 3 13 year old students taught with Davis Symbol Mastery & Reading tools

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