
Authors: Amsberry, Gianna; T. F. Mclaughlin; K. Mark Derby; Teresa Waco.

Article: The Effects Of The Davis Symbol Mastery System To Assist A Fourth Grader With Dyslexia In Spelling: A Case Report.

Publication: I-manager’s Journal On Educational Psychology Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 13-18, August-October 2012 2012

[Full Text]

Case Study – Oregon, U.S.: A fourth-grade male diagnosed with a significant learning disability was given an intervention consisting of writing each word, its definition, the word in a sentence for context, creating a pictorial representation of the word, and then forming the word from clay. The results demonstrated that the Davis Symbol Mastery Procedure was successful.

Tagged as: spelling and symbol mastery

Excerpts from Full Text / Notes:

Case study with one student