Authors: Atkar, Geeta Bhimrao; Priyadarshini, J..
Article: Enhancing Readability of Dyslexic Children by Machine Learning Techniques—A Survey.
Publication: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems pp 117-127 | 24 May 2019 | DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-7091-5_11
Dyslexia is type of disorder that occurs normally in children, and is also called as learning disability. Children who are having dyslexia, requires more time to read, write as compared to normal children. There are different kinds of disabilities which come under dyslexia like dysgraphia, and dyscalculia but this paper focuses on reading disability in children. Here, children between 8 and 10 years will be taught on most frequently used Hindi words. First, frequently used Hindi words will be created as a database and then the system is trained with those input words. Speech synthesis is applied to those words to get speech output from the trained system. Children will be given a set of words to read. If children are saying the wrong word three times then the system will give correct speech and train the children. This makes the process automatic and the system acts as a personal trainer to the dyslexic children. By doing this model, the children can learn in a more interactive manner and will remember the words as the system can show different pictures for the same word. The use of machine learning techniques makes this system more accurate and the system will be trained for speech recognition and phonetics of each alphabet and words in Hindi