
Authors: Christina Gatsakou, Nikolaos Bardis, Athanasios Drigas.

Article: The usage of RPGS as an interdisciplinary method of teaching dyslexic students.

Publication: Technium Social Sciences Journal 27(1), 207–216 2022 | DOI: 10.47577/tssj.v27i1.5438

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The aim of this paper is to present a different viewpoint on the educational process through the usage of- adjusted to educational needs – RPGs (Role Playing Games), emphasizing on an interdisciplinary teaching in both cognitive and social-emotional level, which will offer intervention and simultaneously the improvement of the academic weaknesses for dyslexic students. RPGs -in any form- may be a powerful and unique teaching tool so that learning can be fun and meaningfully constructive to the dyslexic learners

Tagged as: interdisciplinary and role playing games


Gatsakou, C., Bardis, N., & Drigas, A. (2022). The usage of RPGS as an interdisciplinary method of teaching dyslexic students. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 27(1), 207–216.

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