
Authors: Emejidio C. Gepila Jr., Jean Syrah S. Macalalad , Edgar M. Requiron Jr. , Julius Cezar F. Balisado, and Ma. Junithesmer D. Rosales.

Article: Contextualizing Davis Dyslexia Correction Program to Filipino Youth Dyslexics.

Publication: International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education Vol 14, Issue 05 2022 | DOI: 10.9756/INTJECSE/V14I5.244

[Full Text]



This study was conducted to provide a contextualized correction program to cater Filipino dyslexics and persons with learning difficulties. Specifically, the researchers used the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program to be contextualized and implemented to three Filipinos with dyslexia. Moreover, the study is anchored on Davis Theory of Dyslexia proposed by Ronald Dell Davis, a dyslexic who discovered the methods as described in his book The Gift of Dyslexia which was used in the program. Program Effects under explanatory case study was used as a method of research in this paper. The study involved three possible Filipino dyslexics who are recommended by their Special Education teachers based on their prognosis. Furthermore, the study endeavored to describe the condition of the subjects as they undergo in the program, their progress, and the effects of the program manifested in them. Orientation Counseling and Symbol Mastery are the two major components of the program wherein only the first subject undergo in both parts. Behavioral factors and abilities caused by Autism Spectrum Disorder of the second and third subjects hindered the researchers to undergo them in the former part of the program.

Tagged as: Davis case study and Filipino

Excerpts from Full Text / Notes:

Subject A through the implementation gradually become comfortable and cooperative. She understood the concept of mind’s eye and disorientation during the Davis Orientation Counselling. At the end of two sessions with Symbol Mastery, Subject A can recite the alphabet forward and backward with ease and speed, she can tell what letters come before and after every other letter of the alphabet. She can spot reversed letters learned to define punctuation marks. She can spell names of some punctuation marks and write its symbol. Lastly, during symbol mastery for words, the researcher has Subject A learn the three basic parts of speech.

The progress needed to manifest to Subject A has been shown. Because of the contextualized DDCP Subject A can now observe to hold her mind’ eye in the right position. She has mastered the alphabet, memorized punctuation marks, and knows some trigger words for learning the three basic parts of speech. Subjects B and C, though not concentrated at all times, manages to recognize, and tell the researcher what the letter is in the alphabet.