
Authors: Heidari T, Isfahani AS, Abedi A, Bahramipour M.
Publication: Knowledge & Research in Applied Psychology (Islamic Azad University, Iran). 2012
The purpose of this study was to comparison
effectiveness of Davis and Fernald methods on reading
performance of dyslexia in third elementary school
students. This experimental study was conducted as
post-test and pre-test by control groups. Statistical
population included dyslexic children who had referred
to Shenakht and AlefbaZendegi Isfahan city clinics in
December 2011. The sampling method was through
convenience sampling; so from among who referred to
this clinic, 45 children were selected as final sample and
were randomly separated into two experimental and
control groups (15 students to Fernald method, 15
students to Davis method and student to control group).
The assessment tools included Reading Test (RT)and
Wechsler’s Intelligence scale for Children (WISC-IV).
The dyslexic children of interventional group took part
in (30-minutes Fernald method for 10 sessions and 30-
minutes Davis method for 16 sessions). Post–test scores
recorded and data analyzed using SPSS-15 software. The
results of covariance analysis showed that there was a
significant difference between the mean scores of
reading test in the experimental and the control groups
in the post test. The results showed that there was a
significant difference between the mean scores of
reading test in the experimental and the control groups
in the post test (p<0.001). Also, the results of pair wise
comparison of groups showed that there was significant
difference between the mean scores of Davis and
Fernald groups in the post test (p<0.001)