
Authors: Khodamehri F, Kafi Masule S M, Khosrov Javid M, Fallahi M..

Article: Efficacy of Davis Dyslexia Correction Program on Rereading Performance of male students with Dyslexia.

Publication: Journal of Mental Health (University of Guilan, Iran). Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 35-47 2015

[Full Text]

Background and purpose: reading is one of the most fundamental necessary skills in today’s world, and there is no surprise that any disability in reading can cause various problems for people. Therefore, current study aimed to examine the efficacy of Davis Dyslexia Correction Program on reading performance of students with dyslexia.

Method: present research was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest and control group. The study sample consisted of 30 third grade male students with dyslexia who were studying in elementary schools of Rasht City and were selected using random cluster sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Data were collected by Dyslexia Children’s Checklist, Case History Form (Karimi, 2005), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, and Dyslexia Scale (Korominouri & Moradi, 2008). Experimental group received 16 30-minute sessions of individual therapy according to Davis Dyslexia method.

Findings: the results of analysis of covariance showed that Davis Dyslexia Correction Program could significantly improve reading performance in experimental group (p < 0.01).

Conclusion: administration of reconstructive-educational methods has positive effects on reading performance among students with dyslexia. These findings have important implications for the teachers. These implications are discussed further in the paper.