
Authors: Margaret Meehan, Angela J Fawcett, Paul Adkins, & Barbara Pavey.

Article: Characteristics of entrepreneurs who experience dyslexia: an interview study on the role of school in supporting an entrepreneurial mindset.

Publication: Asia Pacific Journal of Developmental Differences (Dyslexia Association of Singapore). Vol. 7, No. 2,, pp. 199—233 2020 | DOI: 10.3850/S2345734120000118

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In this study, 17 students who experience dyslexia, and were engaged in a business studies course at degree level or above were recruited from two universities to participate in this semi-structured interview study on entrepreneurship. The four questions addressed included their strengths and characteristics, the obstacles they anticipated, and what further skills they needed to fulfill their aspirations.  The results suggested that these students shared many of the characteristics of entrepreneurs who experience dyslexia noted in the literature, including determination, communication, people skills, and the capacity for risk-taking. Moreover, that obstacles to their success related primarily to their lowered confidence in the face of failure. The comments indicated that these students were realistic about their ongoing needs to fulfill their business aspirations and saw a stronger role for school at all stages in preparing students for an entrepreneurial future. Practical aspects and group projects, rather than a purely theoretical approach in education, were highlighted as key here, enriched with relevant experience of both successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs, to endow this group with the knowledge that failure could be an important tool in learning throughout education and working life.

Tagged as: dyslexic talents, entrepreneurship, and neurodiversity