
Authors: Mettey, A., Bouvier, A., Jooste, V. Boucher, Y., & Quercia, P..

Article: Are changes in the stomatognatic system able to modify the eye balance in dyslexia?.

Publication: Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research 9(2), 166–171 2019 | DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2019.03.005

[Full Text]

To clarify the link between eye muscle function and oral information by comparing 21 dyslexic readers (DR) and 14 normal readers (NR)

Overall, 50% of NR children and 81% of DR experienced at least one variation in visual perception (p = 0.053).

It is possible to modify visual perception by changing sensory or mechanical stimuli. Changes are more frequent in DR than in NR.

Tagged as: disorientation and perception

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