
Authors: Sharifah Nawirah binti Syed Hassan.

Article: Model Pemulihan Disleksia Davis Dalam Pembelajaran Kanak-Kanak Disleksia.

Publication: Journal of Education and Social Sciences (Zes Rokman Resources). Vol. 4, (June) pages 151-155 2016

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This concept paper reviews the effectiveness of the Davis Dyslexia Correction Model application in learning of dyslexic children. It is an alternative teaching model that highlights three key procedures which helps dyslexic children in reading and spelling activities. Implementation of the learning and teaching process through orientation counseling sessions, symbol mastery, and reading exercises exercises) in this program have an effect in improving children’s mastery of reading and spelling skills dyslexia. Past studies have found that the activities carried out through this Davis Dyslexia Recovery Model are more focused and successfully helped improve the cognitive development of dyslexic children. Through more activities focused introduced in the program as well, children can master reading and spelling skills and more willing to interact with the environment around him.