
Authors: Mads Johan Øgaard, Christopher Boyle & Fraser Lauchlan.

Article: What Norwegian Individuals Diagnosed with Dyslexia, Think and Feel About the Label “Dyslexia”..

Publication: Research for Inclusive Quality Education. Sustainable Development Goals Series. (Springer). pp 99–112 (First Online: 11 November 2022) 2023 | DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-5908-9_8

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This project interviews six Norwegian individuals with dyslexia that explores their understanding of this label and their attitudes towards it. The study examines the often overlooked area of the self-esteem, attitudes, and motivation of individuals with dyslexia, both in children and in adults. It has been argued that individuals are often overlooked in the ongoing and lengthy debate that is now commonly referred to as “the Dyslexia Debate” (Elliott and Grigorenko 2014). This current study shares the viewpoints of Norwegian individuals who have been diagnosed with dyslexia and seeks to analyse and understand the issues. Individuals with dyslexia are rarely asked about their opinions and feelings regarding the support they have received in school, and whether the diagnosis and support actually helped them with their dyslexic difficulties. The results provide some further questions to consider regarding how individuals with dyslexia feel and their understanding of the impact of dyslexia both in everyday life and within a school setting.

Tagged as: adult dyslexia and social construct


Johan Øgaard, M., Boyle, C., Lauchlan, F. (2023). What Norwegian Individuals Diagnosed with Dyslexia, Think and Feel About the Label “Dyslexia”. In: Boyle, C., Allen, KA. (eds) Research for Inclusive Quality Education. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5908-9_8