
Authors: Sudek Montes, Eliška Marina.

Article: Dyslexia and children's English language learning in a Mexican elementary school: A crowdsourced intervention study.

Publication: Master's Thesis (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla). 2015

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Qualitative study exploring multiple teaching methods and accommodations for dyslexic English language learners within a classroom setting. The study used a pretest – intervention – posttest design to detect change among 6 second grade students, within a classroom containing 25 students.
During one block, an exercise adopted from Davis Symbol Mastery was used.  Students used clay and asked to form ropes, and then to use the clay to spell ten vocabulary words dictated by the teacher.  The entire classroom group participated but only the results of the dyslexic study group were recorded. The dyslexic students were observed to make fewer mistakes when using clay to spell words than with paper and pencil. Several students made no errors at all and made comments such as “This is easy!” “When are we doing this again?” and “Can we do it again?”.

Tagged as: clay and symbol mastery