Dyslexic Reader Articles
Index of Articles from The Dyslexic Reader
The specific issues and articles listed on this page are available for online viewing and/or in recent issues of The Dyslexic Reader that can be purchased in PDF format.
- Issue 59 A ‘Moving’ Story
- Motion Sickness and Disorientation (Elizabeth Currie Shier)
- Issue 34 A Bad Memory: Learning the Times Tables
- (Eduardo Cranfield)
- Issue 52 A Caring Teacher Speaks Anonymously
- Issue 59 A Change of Heart
- (Cathy Cook)
- Issue 45 A Cherished Thank You
- (Randee Garretson)
- Issue 60 A Committed Mom and Her Daughters Create Real Change in Wyoming
- (Kelly Attebery)
- Issue 54 A Davis “Graduate” Answers a BIG Question
- My parents showed me the door, but I made the decision to walk through it (Justin Carson)
- Issue 68 A Davis Experience for Mother & Daughter.
- (Lynn Chigounis)
- Issue 42 A Davis Graduate Speaks
- My Special Person (Amanda Betker)
- Issue 25 A Different Look at Attention Deficit Disorder
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 52 A Dozen Frequently Asked Questions about Assessment
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 20 A Dyslexic Child within the Class
- A guide for teachers and parents (Patricia Hodge)
- Issue 55 A Dyslexic Volunteering at the Olympics
- (Sue Hall)
- Issue 24 A Great Day
- Learning to Tell Time
- Issue 39 A Look at BrightStar Learning
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 48 A Mom Remembers…
- Issue 61 A New Davis Dyslexia Center in Loenen aan de Vecht, Netherlands
- (Robin Temple)
- Issue 48 A New Sense of Direction
- (Roger Honzik)
- Issue 44 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
- (Linda Johannes)
- Issue 21 A Quest to Understand Dyslexia as a Gifted Education Teacher
- (Rebecca K.T. Anderson, M.S.)
- Issue 29 A Special Time for Special Kids
- Suggestions from a father about preparing for a new school year (Daniel Willemin)
- Issue 10 A Student Succeeds with the Gift
- A scientist working on his PhD shares the impact of the book The Gift of Dyslexia (Davis Mitchell)
- Issue 58 A Tool to Improve Oral Communication Skills as well as Reading
- Picture at Punctuation (Nancy Kress)
- Issue 56 A Totally Davis Family
- (Cathy Dodge Smith)
- Issue 34 A Typical ADD Scenario
- Excerpt from The Gift of Learning (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 39 A Very Special Birthday
- (Sue Hall)
- Issue 28 A Word a Day – Homeschooling the Davis Program
- (Jerilynn Carter)
- Issue 59 ADHD Diagnoses Apparently on the Increase
- Issue 63 ADHD? or Sleep Deprivation?
- Reference: Diagnosing the Wrong Deficit. (New York Times) (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 51 Adult Dyslexia – The Best Kept Secret in the Workplace
- (Karen LoGiudice)
- Issue 52 Adult Dyslexia: Working Better with Customers and Co-Workers
- (Cathy Cook)
- Issue 68 All the Rest is Noise
- The impact of poverty on student achievement (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 53 Allie: Happy, Included and Confident
- Davis Autism Approach client report (Gale Long)
- Issue 45 An Adult Testimonial to the Merits of the Davis Method
- My memories of the Davis programme are of discovery and joy (David Whyte)
- Issue 66 An Elegant Reply
- Proud to be dyslexic (Abigail Marshall and Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 75 An Incredible Journey
- (Vivienne Carson)
- Issue 34 An Old Grandma Brings New Hope
- Providing post-program support to a young dyslexic child (Mary Ann Link)
- Issue 40 Announcing ReadOn Interactive Software
- Inspired by the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program and Davis Learning Strategies
- Issue 32 Announcing The Gift of Learning
- Ron Davis' new book addresses the other faces of dyslexia
- Issue 62 Another Davis Success Story
- Sara earns her PhD (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 53 Another Great Symbol Mastery Workshop
- (Sue Hall)
- Issue 59 Asher’s Laws on Language Learning and Teaching
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 53 Awesome Work
- Working with clients using the Davis Autism Approach (Cathy Dodge Smith)
- Issue 33 Back to School Tips for Teachers
- How to create a positive experience in the classroom for dyslexic children (Mary Ellen Schutz)
- Issue 48 Back to Study with Davis in Iceland
- (Homfridur Gudmundsdottir)
- Issue 49 bAd Boy Makes Good
- Vicenzo Gicmmanco, producer of "bAd", a short film about a dyslexic child (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 31 Ball and Chain
- A woman uses clay to show the liberating changes from a Davis program (Christine East)
- Issue 27 Bill of Rights for Children with ADD/ADHD
- (Judy Cohen)
- Issue 62 Book Review: Autism and the Seeds of Change
- Achieving Full Participation in Life wih the Davis Autism Approach
- Issue 63 Book Review: Challenging the Myths of Autism
- Unlock New Possibilities and Hope - by John Alderson (Cathy Dodge Smith)
- Issue 74 Book Review: Creative Schools
- (Sue Hall)
- Issue 67 Book Review: Discover Your Child’s Learning Style
- Book by Mariaemma Willis and Victoria Kindle Hodson (Carolyn Tyler)
- Issue 63 Book Review: Free to Learn
- Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self Reliant, and Better Students for Life (by Peter Gray) (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 64 Book Review: Michael Vey The Prisoner of Cell 25
- Book One (by Richard Paul Evans) (Karen Wehrman and Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 63 Book Review: Picture It!
- Teaching Visual-Spatial Learners (by Betty Maxwell & Crystal Punch) (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 64 Book Review: Readicide
- How Schools Are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It (by Kelly Gallagher) (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 65 Book Review: Reign of Error
- The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools, by Diane Ravitch (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 75 Book Review: Seeing What Others Cannot See
- The Hidden Advantages of Visual Thinkers and Differently Wired Brains (book by Thomas West) (Elsie Johnson)
- Issue 64 Book Review: Teaching the Critical Vocabulary of the Common Core
- 55 Words That Make or Break Student Understanding (by Marilee Sprenger) (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 75 Book Review: Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 39 Brain Function, Spell-Reading and Sweep-Sweep-Spell
- The importance of visual word form recognition (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 33 Brain Scans Show Dyslexics Read Better with Alternative Strategies
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 32 Buchstaben und Bilder?
- Letters and Pictures? (Magdalena Vogel-Eichert)
- Issue 37 Building Self-Advocacy Skills
- Reprinted from The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 46 Cause for Celebration in New Zealand
- New Zealand Ministry of Education recognizes dyslexia
- Issue 47 Celebrating the 12th Anniversary of DDAI with Friends from Around the World!
- The Third International Davis Facilitators Symposium
- Issue 45 Celebration of the Gift
- (Cathy Dodge Smith)
- Issue 50 Charla de Ronald Davis Muy Concurrida en Guadalajara, Mexic
- Issue 48 Charlotte Foster Named Outstanding Woman of the Year in Education
- Davis Specialist Honored in her home state
- Issue 37 China Research Supports a Developmental and Functional Theory of Dyslexia
- Issue 6 Clay is Fun!
- A kids-eye view of Symbol Mastery in the classroom (Mrs. Steel's First Grade Class)
- Issue 63 Clearly Reaching Higher!
- (Marcia Maust)
- Issue 46 Commencement Speech
- (Kayla Heetland)
- Issue 61 Common Sense vs. Common Core: How to Minimize the Damages of the Common Core
- In-depth review of Yong Zhao blog (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 69 Confessions of a Pretend Reader
- The Books I NEVER Read (Margeret Jeurgens)
- Issue 39 Congratulations to Northwestern School!
- First Davis Learning Strategies Model School in the United States
- Issue 43 Congratulations to Walsh Elementary School!
- The second DLS Model School in the United States
- Issue 51 Congratulations, Elbert Elementary
- A New DLS Model School (Kristi Thompson)
- Issue 61 Congratulations, Larry Emigh!
- Bicycling for Dyslexia Awareness
- Issue 25 Connecticut Law Prohibits Schools from Urging Ritalin
- Issue 47 Courage and Perseverance Rewarded
- Profile of Anna Stephens
- Issue 54 Creatividad: ¿En Qué Consiste y Cómo La Cultivamos?
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 54 Creativity: What is It- And Where Can I Get Some
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 33 Das Phänomen Widerstand in der Davis-Beratung
- The Phenomenon of Resistance in Davis Facilitation (Astrid Grosse-Mönch)
- Issue 47 Davis “Graduate” Admitted to Georgetown University
- Personal Essay Addresses Dyslexia Trials
- Issue 68 Davis at the Autism Society National Conference
- (Elsie Johnson and Susan Smarjesse)
- Issue 50 Davis Attracts a Big Crowd in Guadalajara, Mexico
- (Alice E. Davis)
- Issue 53 Davis Autism Approach Now Available
- Issue 28 Davis Dyslexia Association established for Australia-New Zealand Territories
- Issue 23 Davis Dyslexia Correction Program Outcomes
- (Wayman E. Sole)
- Issue 46 Davis Honored at World’s First Dyslexia Discovery Exhibit
- Excerpted from www.dfnz.org.nz
- Issue 47 Davis Learning Strategies “Bring Back the Smile”
- Another New Davis DVD
- Issue 75 Davis Learning Strategies Continues to Spread Worldwide
- (Priti Venkatesan, Nirupama Krishnan, and Jatinder Kaur)
- Issue 26 Davis Learning Strategies Research News
- Issue 11 Davis Research Foundation Funds Public School Programs
- Issue 40 Davis Training Successfully Launched In Kenya
- Issue 50 Davis-leerstrategieën Nederland
- Issue 34 DDA-CH Beraterinnen-Treff
- DDA-Switzerland Facilitator Meeting (Elisabeth Raberger)
- Issue 31 Dear Frustrated Mom
- A parent faces difficulty in getting school help for her child (Wendy Gilley)
- Issue 24 Dear Old Friend
- A personal account of a dyslexic childhood (Daniel Willemin)
- Issue 30 Defining Statement
- A dyslexic teenager succeeds in changing the dictionary definition of dyslexia (Mary Shaffrey, The Washington Times)
- Issue 31 Defusing Confusions with Clay in the UK
- Issue 31 Derek’s Story
- Success and a poem from a teenager after a Davis program (Gerry Grant)
- Issue 32 Desorientierungsmuster bei Buchstaben
- Disorientation Examples with Letters (Magdalena Vogel-Eichert)
- Issue 29 Die Geschichte von Anna / The Story of Anna
- A Davis reading program, in German and English (Gabriela Scholter)
- Issue 26 Disorientation and Dyslexic Perception
- Description of experimental research exploring how disorientation affects perception (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 11 Disorientation, Confusion, and the Symptoms of A.D.D.
- Adapted and excerpted from the Advanced Davis Procedures Workshop Manual
- Issue 40 Do the Davis Methods Address Spelling?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 73 Do you Smell That?
- (Cathy Cook)
- Issue 62 Don’t Sell Yourself Short!
- The Journey of Ian Moore (Rebecca Landes)
- Issue 52 Down the Educational Memory Hole
- Physical Activity and Attention Focus (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 48 Down with Fractions!?
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 53 Dreams and Speed Bumps
- I am 52 and just found out that I'm dyslexic (Sherry A. Baerg)
- Issue 33 Dreams Coming True in Iceland
- (Alice E. Davis)
- Issue 42 Dynamic Duo Entrepenuers
- Issue 58 Dyscalculia and the Davis Maths Mastery Programme
- (Sara Kramer)
- Issue 41 Dyscalculia: Lifting the Lid
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 58 Dyscalculia: Why it Happens and How to Prevent It
- (Fionna Pilgrim)
- Issue 58 Dyslexia – A Cup Half Full
- (Elsie Johnson)
- Issue 73 Dyslexia … the Gift
- (Jackson Burg)
- Issue 48 Dyslexia as a Gift
- (Haylee Baer)
- Issue 50 Dyslexia Exhibit Wins New Zealand Landscape Award
- Issue 58 Dyslexia from the Heart: From Student to Teacher to Facilitator
- (Sharon Permack)
- Issue 68 Dyslexia the Gift Blog now hosting The Codpast
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 55 Dyslexia: Learning Challenge and Gift
- Issue 41 Dyslexic in English
- (Dvir Waldfogel)
- Issue 50 Dyslexics: The Untapped Scholars
- Dyslexic thinkers are imaginative, intuitive and curious (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 32 Early Childhood Education Research: Developmental or Academic
- (David Elkind)
- Issue 61 Early Miracles
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 42 Ecos Colombianos
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 57 Edward Vickerman “My dyslexia is a gift”
- It is the reason that I teach the way I teach (Fionna Pilgrim)
- Issue 37 Edward’s Nervous Breakdown
- (Judith Jenkinson)
- Issue 35 Einblick in unsere Erfas
- Report of guest presentation about Tomatis method to Swiss facilitators (Marianne Kranzer)
- Issue 24 English Speaking Dyslexics Experience More Difficulty
- Summary of Research Report (Dee Weldon White)
- Issue 44 Errors: The “Invisible” 800-Pound Gorilla Blocking the Road to Learning
- Issue 29 Erstes deutches Schulprojekt mit den Davis Lernstrategien
- First German School Project with Davis Learning Strategies (Sonja Heinrich)
- Issue 33 Es ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt
- All that Glitters is not Gold (Ute Breithaupt)
- Issue 25 Explaining Dyslexia to a Child
- (Meliesa Hawley)
- Issue 45 Fa Nichts: Much Ado About Very Little
- Every child and every adult I have ever met first learned to read without phonics (David H. Albert)
- Issue 42 Facilitation and Freedom
- (Ian Richardson)
- Issue 25 Facts about ADHD
- (Dee Weldon White)
- Issue 74 Finding Direction – a Journey of Overcoming Dyspraxia
- (Kelley Phipps)
- Issue 11 Finding Order in an A.D.D. World
- A first person account (Monti S. Bullock)
- Issue 72 Finding The Missing Puzzle PiecesWhen Your Child Has Autism
- (Brady's Mom)
- Issue 49 Finding the Right Niche
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 11 First Graders Succeed with Symbol Mastery
- Issue 30 Flashbacks
- An dyslexic adult experiences traumatic memories of childhood humiliation (Daniel Willemin)
- Issue 55 Foreword to New Edition of The Gift of Dyslexia
- (Linda Kreger Silverman)
- Issue 46 Free Audio Books from LibriVox.org
- Issue 38 Friends and Family
- Parent report of progress of child after Davis Dyslexia and Math programs (Janet Adcox)
- Issue 46 From the Heart
- (Wendy Haddon)
- Issue 32 Gebruik van de Davis Leer Methode
- A teacher describes her experience with Davis Learning Strategies in her primary classroom (Nelleke Remerie)
- Issue 30 Gedanken über das “Meistern”
- Thoughts about the Davis concept of mastery (Wiebke Janssen)
- Issue 34 Gehirnuntersuchungen zeigen: Legastheniker lesen besser mit alternativen Strategien
- German translation of article, Brain Scans Show Dyslexics Read Better with Alternative Strategies (Abigail Marshall and Sonja Heinrich)
- Issue 74 German and English Bilingual Success in Reading, Writing and Math, Thanks to the Davis method!
- (Suzanne Buchauer)
- Issue 5 Getting Ready for School
- Head Start Activities for the Home (Sharon Pfeiffer)
- Issue 39 Good Questions and Some Answers
- Working with a facilitator vs. working at home from the book (Charlotte Foster)
- Issue 40 Good Spelling Days and Bad Spelling Days
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 52 Hang on a MInute…
- Is phonemic awareness really essential for reading?
- Issue 41 Have Tools – Will Time Travel
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 59 Healing for Mother and Daughter
- (Mary Sloyer)
- Issue 38 Help for College Students with Disabilities
- Issue 59 Henry Winkler,the Fonz in Happy Days, appointed OBE
- Dyslexic Actor receives British award
- Issue 33 Her Sparkle Has Returned
- A parent shares her teenage daughter's experience with a Davis program (Cyndy Baum)
- Issue 71 History of the NOIT
- (Stacey Borger Smith)
- Issue 6 Homeschooling with Symbol Mastery
- Issue 74 How Davis Saved My Son
- (Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)
- Issue 61 How do you read to your child?
- Print-referencing Explained
- Issue 75 How Homeschooling Set Me Free to Love My ADHD
- Book Excerpt (Philip Whitehead)
- Issue 71 How is Davis different from tutoring?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 54 I Know! Let’s Put All Our Great Thinkers in Box Stamped “Learning Disabled”
- (Elisabeth Snell)
- Issue 38 IDEA 2004 Update: Changes to Key Statutes
- Issue 45 If you Love a Dyslexic, Get This Book
- Issue 47 Implications of Self-Regulation Abilities for Academic Achievement
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 50 In Simon’s Own Words
- (Glenys Knopp)
- Issue 63 In the News: Parents need help, too
- Also: Common Core hits Kindergarten; What STEM Crisis?; IQ is a Myth; ADHD Drug Use Increases in New Zealand
- Issue 66 In the News: The Utterly Unsurprising Reasons Kids Cheat In School
- Also: Standardized tests and cognitive ability; Sleep, Again; Self-Regulation;
- Issue 64 In the News: Disturbing changes in Early Childhood Education
- Also: The Myth of Lagging US Schools, Groundbreaking Research in Bilingualism, New Jersey Passes Dyslexia Laws
- Issue 65 In the News: Is Learning Cursive Good for Your Brain?
- Also: The Benefits of Reading for Fun; Thinking Better from reading Fiction; Extra Time? Choose Wisely
- Issue 67 In the News: Just a Little Bit (Fostering Respect)
- Also: Taking Their Time; 6 Reasons to Reject Common Core State Standards; IQ Reduced by Air Polution; ADHD? or Symptoms of Childhood Trauma; Too Much of a Colorful Thing; Laptop vs. Hand; Books at Home Increase Test Scores; Libraries are Changing
- Issue 62 In the News: Replacing the Disability Paradigm
- Also: Visual Attention and Dyslexia; What STEM Crisis; Bored, Stressed or Both?
- Issue 38 International Davis Facilitator Symposium a Great Success
- Issue 21 Interview with Ron Davis
- (Sue Spataro)
- Issue 71 Is there a link between perceptual talent and dyslexia?
- (Sara Kramer)
- Issue 70 Is Using Technology Cheating?
- (Melanie Curry)
- Issue 64 Is your child a “nonresponder”?
- Research Summary (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 73 It Is Never Too Late…
- (Vanessa Victor)
- Issue 61 IV Amino Acids Improve Test Scores?
- Issue 47 Jacob – Up the Ladder of Sucess
- (Casey Linwick-Rouzer)
- Issue 32 Jessika’s New Self
- Davis Client Report (Age 34) (Vickie Kozuki-Ah You)
- Issue 47 Joaquín: Diaro de un éxito
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 46 Joaquín: Diary of a Success Story
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 60 Journey Out of the Fog
- Davis Attention Mastery for One Adult (Donna Northcutt)
- Issue 63 Keep On Reading Aloud
- Motivation, interest, and engagement are enhanced when teachers read to students (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 64 Klair de Lys, On Her Dyslexia
- (Klaire de Lys and Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 30 Kleintjes Leren Lezen
- Report of Dutch Research into Davis Learning Strategies (P.L. Gonçalves)
- Issue 5 Koosh Ball Therapy
- A simple and fun way to build on orientation skills (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 73 Kyle’s Story – Blair’s Story
- (Leah & Jeff Edwards)
- Issue 49 La Fidelidad de Uchi
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 31 La Puerta de las que???
- A university student reports the benefits of a Davis program (Antonio Garcia)
- Issue 64 Learning to pay attention early leads to long-term academic success
- Research Summary (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 40 Letters from Bulgaria
- (Daniella Boneva)
- Issue 34 Lichtpuntjes in Dyslexie-Oerwoud
- Rays of Hope in the Dyslexia Jungle (Annet van der Baan)
- Issue 30 Links oder rechts?
- Exploring the cause and solution for resolving left/right confusion (Ioannis Tzivanakis)
- Issue 45 Love Story?
- (Elsie Johnson)
- Issue 59 Lunacy
- The Educational Burden of Standardized Testing (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 67 Making Sense of What’s On The Page
- 7 Traits of Effective Readers (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 52 Malfunction or Adaptive Solution?
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 24 Mastering Musical Notes with Davis Symbol Mystery
- (Jerilynn Carter)
- Issue 59 Math Disability Linked to Problems Relating Quantities to Numerals
- Issue 52 Mejor prender una vela …
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 49 Michael’s Great Day
- (Jean Moser)
- Issue 44 Mirror, Mirror, in My Head
- Mirror Neurons and Social-Emotional Learning (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 34 Miss Teen Michigan Speaks Out about Dyslexia
- (Myrna Burkholder)
- Issue 59 More Evidence that Davis is ‘Just Good Teaching’
- Six Essential Principles of Learning (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 41 More on Foreign Language Intruction
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 57 More on Mastering Time-Telling
- (Margot Young)
- Issue 50 More Than They Ever Expected
- Unexpected benefits from Davis programs (Kim Ainis)
- Issue 42 Mr. Lucas and the Capital A
- (David H. Albert)
- Issue 32 Much too Early
- The importance of developmentally-appropriate early child education (David Elkind)
- Issue 43 Musical Expectations
- (Geoffrey Keith)
- Issue 21 Musically Dyslexic
- (Geoffrey Keith)
- Issue 50 Musings on “Assuming the Best”
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 39 My “Point” of View
- (Jackie M. Black)
- Issue 58 My Daughter Has Dyslexia
- (Jennifer Gray)
- Issue 75 My Dyslexic Journey
- (Sgt. David Snowdon)
- Issue 70 My Looooong Walk to Success with Dyslexia and Autism
- A story from a mother helping her dyslexic and autistic son. (Nicola Killops)
- Issue 20 My Reading Buddy
- A sixth-grader assists an autistic child (Elise Bergerson)
- Issue 50 My Speech on Dyslexia
- (Simon Taege)
- Issue 67 Names Removed to Protect The Courageous
- and some very brave teachers around the US (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 24 Never Underestimate the Importance of a Visual Reference
- Davis Technique: Picture at Punctuation (Cyndi Deneson)
- Issue 46 New DVD Films Highlight the Davis Program & Methods
- Issue 75 New Research Confirms that Dyslexics Read Better with Right Brain Strategies
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 64 New Research: Dyslexics have better picture-memory
- (Researchers puzzled by results) (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 66 New Research: Small Screen E-readers And Dyslexia
- E-Readers Are More Effective than Paper for Some with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 44 New Zealand Cookie Icon Helps Dyslexics Discover Their Gifts
- (Catherine Churton)
- Issue 37 News from South Africa
- Davis Program Graduate Wins International Art Award (Carine Van Vuuren)
- Issue 50 News from The Whole Dyslexic Society
- (Sue Hall)
- Issue 30 Nick’s Dial
- Teaching Davis Dial-Setting to a 5-year-old with pictures (Carol Hern)
- Issue 56 No! … I won’t read!!!
- (David C. Rosen)
- Issue 52 North American Lecture Tour 2009
- Discover the Answer to Dyslexia
- Issue 74 Not every child is an A grade student. Why we must not let B/C/D be shameful.
- (Alice Wilde)
- Issue 58 Not Just Another Program
- (David Hirst)
- Issue 49 Note Proficiency, Part 1
- Tips for teaching music to dyslexic students (Geoffrey Keith)
- Issue 60 Oh, Yes, I Will Drop Out!
- School dropout rates unaffected by laws raising compulsory attendance age
- Issue 75 One Man Who Cared
- World's Most Amazing Uncle (Marcia Maust and Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 38 One Teacher’s Search for Answers to the Riddle of Dyslexia
- What I learned from the Davis Methods (Elenica Pitoska)
- Issue 43 OnPoint with Davis Dyslexia Correction Methods
- (Cathy Cook and M.Ed.)
- Issue 54 Opening the Gift
- Why should I expect anything from this magical book? (Amity Scala)
- Issue 48 Outstanding Pennsylvania Teen Focus on Dyslexia
- (Marcia Maust)
- Issue 42 Overcoming a Roadblock
- (Janet, Nathan's Mom)
- Issue 32 Perseverance is the key!!!
- Stories of success from Davis clients (Linda Johannes)
- Issue 35 Perseverance is the key!!!
- Profiles of children, teens and adults completing Davis programs (Linda Johannes)
- Issue 23 Personal Experience Essay
- (Peter Henry)
- Issue 38 Phonics vs. Whole Language
- Reprinted from The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 69 Phonological Dyslexia? Not So Much….
- New research casts doubt on role of phonological processing in dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 53 Picture Thinkers
- I'm glad I have dyslexia (Ed Richards)
- Issue 71 Picture-At-Punctuation:
- A Powerful Tool for Assimilating Facts in Reading (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 43 Play Time: Fun Must Be a Big Part of the School Day
- (Trish Konzak)
- Issue 45 Please Turn That Light Off and Go to Sleep!
- (Linda Johannes)
- Issue 65 Poor Speller? Relax
- A look at some famous poor spellers through history (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 45 Profile in Courage
- (Randee Garretson)
- Issue 36 Proud Mom Praises Daughter’s Achievements
- A parent reports on daughter's progress during 7 years after completion of Davis program (Jill Domosh)
- Issue 25 Psychostimulants in America
- (Alicia Frasier)
- Issue 11 Putting Self in the Picture
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 29 Q&A: Dyslexic Imaginative Abilities
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 33 Q&A: Is dyslexia hereditary?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 63 Q&A: No Pushing! (Signs of Dyslexia in Preschooler)
- Also: Hitting the Phonics Wall; Stealth Dyslexia; Rewiring the Brain; Practice, Practice, Practice? (The Arrowsmith program); What’s Real To A Child; Disoriented Driver; Book Buddy (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 31 Q&A: Orientation Counseling when unsure of dyslexia
- Also: Statistics concerning twice-exceptional (gifted and dyslexic) children (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 35 Q&A: Professional Training Assignments
- Also: Process for modeling abstract words; Hebrew trigger words; Decoding and part-to-whole learning (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 39 Q&A: Toddler Pronounces Words Backwards
- Also: Brain dominance; Help for kindergartner; (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 67 Q&A: Wait and See (Will children inherit dyslexia?)
- Also: Teaching that Fits How Each Child Learns; Diagnosing Dyslexia; (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 30 Q&A: What is hyperlexia
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 58 Q&A: ADHD and Dyslexia
- Also: Good at algebra, but struggles with basic math; Which clay; Low cost classroom implementation of Davis tools; Working alone; Location of Orientation Point (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 48 Q&A: Autism: a kind of ‘super dyslexia?’
- Also: Globally Developmentally Delayed (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 56 Q&A: Can dyslexia be prevented?
- Also: Creation through Disorientation; Dyslexic brain wiring and learning; Davis methods in Schools; Optimum orientation for different activities; Building reading fluency (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 73 Q&A: Can Dyslexics Excel in School?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 73 Q&A: Can Dyslexics Learn Foreign Languages?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 74 Q&A: Can Symbol Mastery be done in two languages simultaneously?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 60 Q&A: Computing how many ways a dyslexic can see a word
- Also: Davis Learning Strategies and kids on medication; Role of environment in developing dyslexia; (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 68 Q&A: Contraction Distraction
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 43 Q&A: Convinced that son is dyslexic despite negative test results
- Also: Post-Program Support; Who decides on program, parent or child (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 75 Q&A: Could it be dyslexia?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 37 Q&A: Definitions of Dyslexia
- Also: Will I lose my "gift"? (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 74 Q&A: Do all dyslexics have unique gifts?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 52 Q&A: Dyslexia and Math
- Also: Forgetfulness; Establishing Order; Davis compared with Learning Breakthrough program (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 72 Q&A: Dyslexia Font?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 44 Q&A: Dyslexic “wanna-be”
- Also: Right-Brainer; Davis and Writing; Dyslexic Super Speller (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 75 Q&A: Education of Dyslexic Students
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 71 Q&A: Electronic versus Experiential Learning
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 66 Q&A: Focus and Alignment
- Also: Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Dyslexia?; Hand-on Science Teaching; IQ Improvement (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 41 Q&A: Fragile X
- Also: New Vocabulary Words; Dyseidetic Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 65 Q&A: Habla Dislexia – Dyslexia in one language only
- Also: Orientation in a Noisy Place; (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 71 Q&A: How many definitions?
- When doing Symbol Mastery for trigger words, do you have to do all of the definitions? (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 26 Q&A: Internet Resources for Reading Assessment
- Also: Colored lenses and dyslexia; Are all picture-thinkers dyslexic? (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 74 Q&A: Is Davis compatible with phonics programs?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 40 Q&A: Learning disabilities and early childhood trauma
- Also: Dyssemia; Font choice; Dyslexia and a Military Career (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 49 Q&A: Let child discover own mistakes
- Also: Difficulty creating mental pictures; Disorientation sometimes valuable; Unsure if daughters are dyslexic (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 69 Q&A: Mathlexia
- Floating Numbers | Clay Words: 3D Modeling vs. Inscribing (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 46 Q&A: Medications & Dyslexia
- Also: Best time for summer dyslexia program; Trouble with little words; Davis program for adults; Post-program follow through (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 42 Q&A: Mental Pictures vs. Clay Model
- Also: Can a speed reader be dyslexic? - Old solution or natural strategy (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 64 Q&A: Mirrored Writing
- Also: Will my baby be dyslexic?, Pipe Cleaners vs. Clay; Dyslexia without Disability; (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 57 Q&A: Mixed Dominance?
- Also: Whether to continue with phonics; Order of introducing Davis tools; Developing awareness of disoriention (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 75 Q&A: More Time for Tests?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 70 Q&A: Next Steps
- Orientation Counseling & Beyond | Early Signs of Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 47 Q&A: Outgrown or overcome?
- Also: Dyslexia statistics; A child who refuses to try the Davis program; Helping a sibling with ADHD (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 27 Q&A: Phoneme Awareness; Picture-at-Punctuation
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 32 Q&A: Phonics Instruction and the Davis program
- Also: Davis tools with younger children (age 4); Importance of trigger word modeling (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 55 Q&A: Phonics teaching after a Davis Program
- Also: Picture at Punctuation; Difficulty with Long Division; Davis Reading Program for Young Learners (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 51 Q&A: Phun with Clay vs. Fonix
- Also: Why dyslexics spell phonetically; Scientific validity of dyslexia diagnosis (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 28 Q&A: Research on Dyslexic Talents
- Also: Is dyslexia an old-fashioned term? (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 75 Q&A: Should a Student Be Able to Remember Symbol Mastery Models?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 61 Q&A: Speech-to-Text for Spelling?
- Also: Schedulling Issues; Difficulty learning English; Specifics Improvement expected with Davis Program (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 54 Q&A: Swiveling Camera Eye
- Also: Disoriented Daydreamer; Backwards Out Come Sentences; Letters in the Wrong Order; Teaching English in Italy; Over-stimulated or Predisposed? (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 45 Q&A: Television and Visual Media
- Also: Unlisted trigger words; Helping a Sibling; Drawbacks of Flash Cards (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 53 Q&A: Thinking Nonverbally with Trigger Words
- Also: Orthography and Dyslexia; Verbal Mix-ups (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 50 Q&A: Trying to Super Glue the Mind’s Eye
- Also: Adapting to multiple approaches; Alternative paths to a Davis program (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 72 Q&A: What is Dyslexia
- Questions from a 6th Grade Student (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 73 Q&A: What Is Happening When My Son Reads?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 73 Q&A: What is the Davis Reading Program for Young Learners?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 38 Q&A: When child cannot move mind’s eye during assessment
- Also: Auditory processing; left-handedness; Dysnemkineidesia; special ed; planning home program (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 59 Q&A: Whole word learning
- Also: Reading skills addressed by Davis; Tools for Spelling; Taking Breaks; A new way to focus; No need to rush (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 62 Q&A: Working Memory
- Also: Alphabet Mastery; Davis Program in Spanish & English; Numbers or Words; Spelling Aloud vs. Spelling on Paper; Research on Orton-Gillingham or Wilson; Visual-Spatial Talents in a Preschooler; Preparing a Recipe Book (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 54 Questions Teacher Ask about Dyslexia and Davis Dyslexia Correction
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 72 Reading with Dyslexia: From Phonics to Meaning
- (Melanie Curry)
- Issue 44 ReadOn – Positive Outcomes for Students with Reading Difficulties
- (Jane Mangano)
- Issue 46 ReadOn Receives iAward
- Issue 74 Ready to Learn at Waihao Downs School
- A parents’ guide to the use of the Davis Learning Strategies at Waihao Downs School in Canterbury, New Zealand (Waihao Downs School website)
- Issue 31 Really? Hurray! I Have Dyslexia!
- (Kellee K. Sikes)
- Issue 10 Red Dirt and Water
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 52 Remembering Tim
- On the death of dyslexia researcher T.R. Miles (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 66 Rescuing Childhood
- The importance of childhood play (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 61 Research Confirms Dyslexics Make Excellent Entrepreneurs
- Issue 27 Restoring Motivation
- (Alice J. Pratt)
- Issue 74 Retaining the Struggling Adult Learner
- Chapter excerpt from Supporting the Success of Adult and Online Students (Liz Bertran)
- Issue 46 Rhythm Proficiency
- Getting the student to play accurately is one of the biggest challenges for the music teacher attempting to teach a student with dyslexia (Geoffrey Keith)
- Issue 62 School of None
- The Realitly and the Hype Behind Online Learning and other Educational Initiatives (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 6 Schools that Teach Failure
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 35 Significant Implications for Davis Methods in New Dyslexia Research
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 48 Six Years Later: A Mom’s Look Back
- (Janet Confer)
- Issue 52 Sixteen Amazing Days in New Zealand
- (Alice E. Davis and Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 74 Sleep Deprived Dyslexic
- (Cigdem Knebel)
- Issue 60 Sleeping in Pellucidar
- Imagining a world without the concept of time (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 60 Sleeping on Earth
- A historical look at how indoor lighting changed sleep patterns (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 28 Slowly but Surely
- A Davis client's post-program progress (Myrna Burkholder)
- Issue 44 Small Events Can Lead to Big Changes
- Davis Workshops in Estonia (Tatjana Lavrova)
- Issue 50 Steadfast Uchi
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 60 Stephen Krashen Defines Reading at Grade Level
- Issue 29 Stephen’s Story
- A Davis facilitator works with a deaf client (Randee Garretson)
- Issue 47 Stepping Past Labels
- (Casey McGrath)
- Issue 4 Strategies for Gifted Visual-Spatial Learners
- (Linda Kreger Silverman and Jeffrey N. Freed)
- Issue 40 Strategies for Spelling
- Reprinted from The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 66 Study supports Davis Symbol Mastery
- A published case study of a 4th grade student (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 45 Success Stories
- In Anthony's Words (Michele Siegmann)
- Issue 24 Success Story
- Post Program Progress Report (age 7 to 11) (Marcia Maust)
- Issue 25 Success with Dial-Setting
- (Paula Morehead)
- Issue 28 Summer Learning is Fun!!
- Using Symbol Mastery to tackle a new hobby: boating (Sue Hall)
- Issue 27 Symbol Mastery for Multi-Lingual Students and Second Language Acquisition
- (Alice E. Davis)
- Issue 27 Symbol Mastery Q&A
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 48 Taare Zameen Par Wins Film Awards in India
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 32 Talking with Clay
- (Hilary Farmer)
- Issue 55 Teach Your Child to Understand Analog and Digital Time – With Clay!
- (Carol Nelson)
- Issue 31 Tears, Frustration and Towels Needing Rescuing
- A Story of New Hope for One Dyslexic Learner (Julie Bourbon)
- Issue 60 Teenage Brains are Different
- Issue 46 Telling it Like it Is
- (Linda Johannes)
- Issue 40 Testing Out of Special Ed: One Mom’s Story of Success
- (Ann, a Minnesota Mom)
- Issue 54 That’s Ostrobogulous!
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 41 The “Quilts” of Education
- (Kim Carson)
- Issue 35 The Abilities of Those with Reading Disabilities (Part 1)
- Focusing on the Talents of People with Dyslexia (Thomas G. West)
- Issue 36 The Abilities of Those with Reading Disabilities (Part 2)
- Focusing on the Talents of People with Dyslexia (Thomas G. West)
- Issue 37 The Abilities of Those with Reading Disabilities (Part 3)
- Focusing on the Talents of People with Dyslexia (Thomas G. West)
- Issue 46 The Achiever’s Journey
- (Genevieve David)
- Issue 59 The Armchair of Dreams
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 49 The Beginning of the End of ‘Reading First’
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 69 The Best Answer: Opt Out
- Standardized Assessments? Say No. (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 40 The Best of Both Worlds
- (Michele Siegmann)
- Issue 62 The Bird in the Window
- Review of The Gorilla in the Room, by Susan Ohanian (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 10 The Birth of a Davis Facilitator
- (Hilary Farmer)
- Issue 7 The Building Blocks of Reading
- An Imagined Conversation between Ron Davis and Maria Montessori (Dr. Joan M. Smith)
- Issue 59 The Davis Program: A Discovery of “Self”
- (Esther Sloyer)
- Issue 72 The Discovery
- (Ronald D. Davis and Elizabeth Currie Shier)
- Issue 57 The Disney Pattern for Writing Improvement
- Master the question words: who, what, where, when, why, how and which (Raewyn Matheson)
- Issue 38 The Duststorm of Deception
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 60 The Dyslexic Brain
- Wired for Whole Brain Thinking (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 51 The Ecology of Learning
- Dyslexia: A Summons to Eco-Learning (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 41 The Engelbrecht Controlled Study of Davis Methods in South Africa
- Research Summary
- Issue 49 The Fabulous, Famous Dyslexic, Henry Winkler
- (Karen LoGiudice)
- Issue 73 The Genesis of the Reading Research Council
- (Ronald D. Davis and Elizabeth Currie Shier)
- Issue 32 The Giants of Early Childhood Development
- (David Elkind)
- Issue 56 The Gift of Dyslexia I Discovered
- Dyslexia is not an obstacle, but a gift that I am grateful for (Sierra Smith)
- Issue 30 The History of Concept Mastery and Symbol Mastery
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 10 The Joy of Clay
- A quick tour of the world of modeling compounds
- Issue 32 The Logical Structure of Learning Reading & Math
- (David Elkind)
- Issue 47 The Making of a Bookworm
- (Linda Daniels)
- Issue 47 The Myth of Early Intervention
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 63 The Neural Signature of Creativity
- Brain Scan Explains Connection between Disorientation and the Creative Process (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 73 The Painted Beach
- (Cheryl Rodrigues)
- Issue 60 The Pattern on the Rug
- How educational reform efforts damage schools
- Issue 65 The Power of Modeling for Mastery
- Issue 69 The Problem with Reading By-the-Numbers
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 65 The Rabbit Who Could Not Hop
- A story by an 8 year old Davis Dyslexia graduate (George Johnson)
- Issue 45 The Real Me and the Truth About Reading
- (Tina McInerney)
- Issue 60 The Rebellion Has Been Televised
- Resisting standardized testing in schools
- Issue 70 The Role of Meaning in Education
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 42 The Seven Causes of Handwriting Problems, Part 1
- Excerpt from The Gift of Learning (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 43 The Seven Causes of Handwriting Problems, Part 2
- The Seven Causes of Handwriting Problems, Part 2 (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 23 The Shifting Sands of Dyslexia Science
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 57 The Sleeping Dragon of Portable Four
- (Maria A. Serrano-Lopez)
- Issue 48 The Soul of Golf Teaching
- (Donald Kehoe)
- Issue 41 The Story of Happy Horace
- (Ian Richardson)
- Issue 40 The Threshold for Confusion
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 66 The Truth About Dyslexic Underdogs
- Dyslexia is a part of me and will be an advantage in my life (Victoria Barski)
- Issue 49 The Undiagnosed Teenager with Dyslexia
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 65 The Universe at Work
- A Clay-Eating Dog (Elizabeth Currie Shier)
- Issue 39 The Way I See It
- (Daniel Willemin)
- Issue 36 Thoughts from a Tutor
- Interview with Denise Andresen (Kim Ainis)
- Issue 28 Thoughts Over Coffee
- The difference between phonics skills and reading ability (Suzanne Hailey)
- Issue 62 Three Parts to a Word – an Explanation from Brain Research
- Profililng research findings of Uta Frith (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 62 Tick, Tock, Get Off the Clock
- Eliminating Time as a Metric in Testing (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 51 Time for a “Slow Speech” Movement?
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 61 Timed Tests and the Development of Math Anxiety
- Review of article by Jo Boaler (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 54 Timmy Subdues a Cloud of Letters
- (Lesa Hall)
- Issue 40 TPR (Total Physical Response) Foreign Language Instruction for the Dyslexia Learning Style
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 23 Treasures
- Exploring a child's imagination during a Davis program (Alice J. Pratt)
- Issue 66 Two Lovely Testimonials
- Reports from clients of the late John Mertz
- Issue 44 Ty’s Visit to “America’s County”
- (Marcia Maust)
- Issue 65 Tyler O – The World’s First NOIT User
- An Explosion of Language - Changes in Focus and Attention (Elizabeth Currie Shier)
- Issue 56 UK Davis Facilitators Association Active at BDA June 2010 Family Day
- (Sara Kramer)
- Issue 35 UK Program Offers Young Adults a Second Chance
- Davis Methods used in Entry to Employment program (Hilary Farmer)
- Issue 70 Un-Schooling my Son
- (Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)
- Issue 45 Under one Roof
- The formation of DDA-DACH
- Issue 49 Understanding my Gift
- (Mark Whidden)
- Issue 35 University of Arizona Study Shows Davis Symbol Mastery Effective for Foreign Language Learning
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 40 University of California and the SAT Exam
- (Elise Bergerson)
- Issue 43 Unwrapping the Gift of Dyslexia
- A mom traces her son's path (Ruth Guckenberger)
- Issue 24 Using Animals to Match Dial Settings
- (Jayne Heywood)
- Issue 46 Valedictorian Celebrates Dyslexia
- (Mary Kay Frasier)
- Issue 71 Validation of Davis Symbol Mastery
- (Charlotte Foster)
- Issue 28 Viewpoints on Motivation: Trusting your Child
- (Alice J. Pratt)
- Issue 34 Viking Spirit: An Aunt’s Saga
- (Lisa Thatcher)
- Issue 41 Visual-Experiential Home Schooling Programs
- (Nancy D. Kress)
- Issue 52 Waiting for Recess
- Kindergarten environments no longer serve the needs of their young students
- Issue 40 Waking Up: The Origin of Concept Mastery
- (Ronald D. Davis)
- Issue 29 Was sind bildlose Wörter? Ein Definitionsversuch
- What are Picture-less Words? An attempt to define (Ioannis Tzivanakis)
- Issue 64 We are all dyslexic!
- (Angi Edwards)
- Issue 61 We fixed it!
- (Tara M. Frickel)
- Issue 59 Weaning Education Off Textbooks
- Why reading alone doesn't work for learning and retaining new concepts (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 67 Weird Words
- Issue 34 What a Difference We Are Making
- (Raewyn Matheson)
- Issue 61 What a wonderful gift!
- (Elizabeth Currie Shier)
- Issue 66 What Can’t Be Measured
- What standardized tests can't tell us (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 48 What Do They Have in Common?
- There is hope for people with dyslexia (Rene Engelbrecht)
- Issue 21 What Happened to Kyle!
- Post Program Progress Report (Cyndi Deneson)
- Issue 23 What Happens Next
- Exploring school accommodations after a Davis program (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 26 What Happens to a Family When a Non-Reader Becomes a Reader
- Insights and advice for parents (Jill Stowell)
- Issue 72 What is an Energy Dial…
- and Why is There a Lizard on It? (Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)
- Issue 71 What is Disorientation?
- (Ronald D. Davis and Elizabeth Currie Shier)
- Issue 63 What Kids Are Reading
- The Book-Reading Habits of Students in American Schools (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 68 What Kids are Reading
- The Book-Reading Habits of Students in American Schools (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 29 What Motivates Someone to Become a Davis Facilitator?
- (Alice J. Pratt)
- Issue 59 What the World Needs Now, is a Few More Hiccups
- (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 36 What would Dr. Orton Think Today?
- (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 52 What’s in a Name?
- Detailed Processors and Diversified Processors (Brenda Baird)
- Issue 67 What’s Really Wrong With School
- 10 Problems with Common Core Standards (Laura Zink de Diaz)
- Issue 67 When Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia and Hypotonia Intersect
- Orientation Counseling, Auditory Orientation, the Koosh ball exercise, Release and Dial were the tools needed (Lorraine Charbonneau)
- Issue 55 When Your Weakness Becomes Your Greatest Strength
- (Laura Walth)
- Issue 55 Why “Tyrannosaurus”, but not “If”?
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 57 Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’, but not ‘If’? Part Three
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 56 Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’, but not ‘If’? Part Two
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 6 Why a Drug-Free Program
- (Brian K. Grimes)
- Issue 70 Why Dyslexia is a Gift of Creativity
- (Renée van der Vloodt)
- Issue 41 Why Education is Important to Me
- (Tyler)
- Issue 72 Why I Believe In Ronald Davis’ Method
- (Dr. Catherine Dolto)
- Issue 66 Word meaning and processing speed
- Research Findings shed light on difficulty with small words (Abigail Marshall)
- Issue 68 Would you work with a 70-year-old?
- (Suzanne Buchauer)
- Issue 55 Written from the Heart
- (Jynette Brumpton)
- Issue 40 You Want Me to Write a What?
- (Heather Vietti)
- Issue 55 ¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’, pero no ‘Cual’?
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 56 ¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’, pero no ‘Cual’? Segunda Parte
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 57 ¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’, pero no ‘Cual’? Tercera Parte
- (Richard Whitehead)
- Issue 75 “Focus! Concentrate!”
- Why can my kid focus on his video game for hours, but school work for only five minutes? (Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)