Dyslexic Reader Articles

Index of Articles from The Dyslexic Reader

The specific issues and articles listed on this page are available for online viewing and/or in recent issues of The Dyslexic Reader that can be purchased in PDF format.

Issue 59 A ‘Moving’ Story
Motion Sickness and Disorientation (Elizabeth Currie Shier)
Issue 34 A Bad Memory: Learning the Times Tables
(Eduardo Cranfield)
Issue 52 A Caring Teacher Speaks Anonymously
Issue 59 A Change of Heart
(Cathy Cook)
Issue 45 A Cherished Thank You
(Randee Garretson)
Issue 60 A Committed Mom and Her Daughters Create Real Change in Wyoming
(Kelly Attebery)
Issue 54 A Davis “Graduate” Answers a BIG Question
My parents showed me the door, but I made the decision to walk through it (Justin Carson)
Issue 68 A Davis Experience for Mother & Daughter.
(Lynn Chigounis)
Issue 42 A Davis Graduate Speaks
My Special Person (Amanda Betker)
Issue 25 A Different Look at Attention Deficit Disorder
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 52 A Dozen Frequently Asked Questions about Assessment
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 20 A Dyslexic Child within the Class
A guide for teachers and parents (Patricia Hodge)
Issue 55 A Dyslexic Volunteering at the Olympics
(Sue Hall)
Issue 24 A Great Day
Learning to Tell Time
Issue 39 A Look at BrightStar Learning
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 48 A Mom Remembers…
Issue 61 A New Davis Dyslexia Center in Loenen aan de Vecht, Netherlands
(Robin Temple)
Issue 48 A New Sense of Direction
(Roger Honzik)
Issue 44 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
(Linda Johannes)
Issue 21 A Quest to Understand Dyslexia as a Gifted Education Teacher
(Rebecca K.T. Anderson, M.S.)
Issue 29 A Special Time for Special Kids
Suggestions from a father about preparing for a new school year (Daniel Willemin)
Issue 10 A Student Succeeds with the Gift
A scientist working on his PhD shares the impact of the book The Gift of Dyslexia (Davis Mitchell)
Issue 58 A Tool to Improve Oral Communication Skills as well as Reading
Picture at Punctuation (Nancy Kress)
Issue 56 A Totally Davis Family
(Cathy Dodge Smith)
Issue 34 A Typical ADD Scenario
Excerpt from The Gift of Learning (Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 39 A Very Special Birthday
(Sue Hall)
Issue 28 A Word a Day – Homeschooling the Davis Program
(Jerilynn Carter)
Issue 59 ADHD Diagnoses Apparently on the Increase
Issue 63 ADHD? or Sleep Deprivation?
Reference: Diagnosing the Wrong Deficit. (New York Times) (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 51 Adult Dyslexia – The Best Kept Secret in the Workplace
(Karen LoGiudice)
Issue 52 Adult Dyslexia: Working Better with Customers and Co-Workers
(Cathy Cook)
Issue 68 All the Rest is Noise
The impact of poverty on student achievement (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 53 Allie: Happy, Included and Confident
Davis Autism Approach client report (Gale Long)
Issue 45 An Adult Testimonial to the Merits of the Davis Method
My memories of the Davis programme are of discovery and joy (David Whyte)
Issue 66 An Elegant Reply
Proud to be dyslexic (Abigail Marshall and Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 75 An Incredible Journey
(Vivienne Carson)
Issue 34 An Old Grandma Brings New Hope
Providing post-program support to a young dyslexic child (Mary Ann Link)
Issue 40 Announcing ReadOn Interactive Software
Inspired by the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program and Davis Learning Strategies
Issue 32 Announcing The Gift of Learning
Ron Davis' new book addresses the other faces of dyslexia
Issue 62 Another Davis Success Story
Sara earns her PhD (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 53 Another Great Symbol Mastery Workshop
(Sue Hall)
Issue 59 Asher’s Laws on Language Learning and Teaching
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 53 Awesome Work
Working with clients using the Davis Autism Approach (Cathy Dodge Smith)
Issue 33 Back to School Tips for Teachers
How to create a positive experience in the classroom for dyslexic children (Mary Ellen Schutz)
Issue 48 Back to Study with Davis in Iceland
(Homfridur Gudmundsdottir)
Issue 49 bAd Boy Makes Good
Vicenzo Gicmmanco, producer of "bAd", a short film about a dyslexic child (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 31 Ball and Chain
A woman uses clay to show the liberating changes from a Davis program (Christine East)
Issue 27 Bill of Rights for Children with ADD/ADHD
(Judy Cohen)
Issue 62 Book Review: Autism and the Seeds of Change
Achieving Full Participation in Life wih the Davis Autism Approach
Issue 63 Book Review: Challenging the Myths of Autism
Unlock New Possibilities and Hope - by John Alderson (Cathy Dodge Smith)
Issue 74 Book Review: Creative Schools
(Sue Hall)
Issue 67 Book Review: Discover Your Child’s Learning Style
Book by Mariaemma Willis and Victoria Kindle Hodson (Carolyn Tyler)
Issue 63 Book Review: Free to Learn
Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self Reliant, and Better Students for Life (by Peter Gray) (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 64 Book Review: Michael Vey The Prisoner of Cell 25
Book One (by Richard Paul Evans) (Karen Wehrman and Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 63 Book Review: Picture It!
Teaching Visual-Spatial Learners (by Betty Maxwell & Crystal Punch) (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 64 Book Review: Readicide
How Schools Are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It (by Kelly Gallagher) (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 65 Book Review: Reign of Error
The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools, by Diane Ravitch (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 75 Book Review: Seeing What Others Cannot See
The Hidden Advantages of Visual Thinkers and Differently Wired Brains (book by Thomas West) (Elsie Johnson)
Issue 64 Book Review: Teaching the Critical Vocabulary of the Common Core
55 Words That Make or Break Student Understanding (by Marilee Sprenger) (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 75 Book Review: Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 39 Brain Function, Spell-Reading and Sweep-Sweep-Spell
The importance of visual word form recognition (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 33 Brain Scans Show Dyslexics Read Better with Alternative Strategies
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 32 Buchstaben und Bilder?
Letters and Pictures? (Magdalena Vogel-Eichert)
Issue 37 Building Self-Advocacy Skills
Reprinted from The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 46 Cause for Celebration in New Zealand
New Zealand Ministry of Education recognizes dyslexia
Issue 47 Celebrating the 12th Anniversary of DDAI with Friends from Around the World!
The Third International Davis Facilitators Symposium
Issue 45 Celebration of the Gift
(Cathy Dodge Smith)
Issue 50 Charla de Ronald Davis Muy Concurrida en Guadalajara, Mexic
Issue 48 Charlotte Foster Named Outstanding Woman of the Year in Education
Davis Specialist Honored in her home state
Issue 37 China Research Supports a Developmental and Functional Theory of Dyslexia
Issue 6 Clay is Fun!
A kids-eye view of Symbol Mastery in the classroom (Mrs. Steel's First Grade Class)
Issue 63 Clearly Reaching Higher!
(Marcia Maust)
Issue 46 Commencement Speech
(Kayla Heetland)
Issue 61 Common Sense vs. Common Core: How to Minimize the Damages of the Common Core
In-depth review of Yong Zhao blog (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 69 Confessions of a Pretend Reader
The Books I NEVER Read (Margeret Jeurgens)
Issue 39 Congratulations to Northwestern School!
First Davis Learning Strategies Model School in the United States
Issue 43 Congratulations to Walsh Elementary School!
The second DLS Model School in the United States
Issue 51 Congratulations, Elbert Elementary
A New DLS Model School (Kristi Thompson)
Issue 61 Congratulations, Larry Emigh!
Bicycling for Dyslexia Awareness
Issue 25 Connecticut Law Prohibits Schools from Urging Ritalin
Issue 47 Courage and Perseverance Rewarded
Profile of Anna Stephens
Issue 54 Creatividad: ¿En Qué Consiste y Cómo La Cultivamos?
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 54 Creativity: What is It- And Where Can I Get Some
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 33 Das Phänomen Widerstand in der Davis-Beratung
The Phenomenon of Resistance in Davis Facilitation (Astrid Grosse-Mönch)
Issue 47 Davis “Graduate” Admitted to Georgetown University
Personal Essay Addresses Dyslexia Trials
Issue 68 Davis at the Autism Society National Conference
(Elsie Johnson and Susan Smarjesse)
Issue 50 Davis Attracts a Big Crowd in Guadalajara, Mexico
(Alice E. Davis)
Issue 53 Davis Autism Approach Now Available
Issue 28 Davis Dyslexia Association established for Australia-New Zealand Territories
Issue 23 Davis Dyslexia Correction Program Outcomes
(Wayman E. Sole)
Issue 46 Davis Honored at World’s First Dyslexia Discovery Exhibit
Excerpted from www.dfnz.org.nz
Issue 47 Davis Learning Strategies “Bring Back the Smile”
Another New Davis DVD
Issue 75 Davis Learning Strategies Continues to Spread Worldwide
(Priti Venkatesan, Nirupama Krishnan, and Jatinder Kaur)
Issue 26 Davis Learning Strategies Research News
Issue 11 Davis Research Foundation Funds Public School Programs
Issue 40 Davis Training Successfully Launched In Kenya
Issue 50 Davis-leerstrategieën Nederland
Issue 34 DDA-CH Beraterinnen-Treff
DDA-Switzerland Facilitator Meeting (Elisabeth Raberger)
Issue 31 Dear Frustrated Mom
A parent faces difficulty in getting school help for her child (Wendy Gilley)
Issue 24 Dear Old Friend
A personal account of a dyslexic childhood (Daniel Willemin)
Issue 30 Defining Statement
A dyslexic teenager succeeds in changing the dictionary definition of dyslexia (Mary Shaffrey, The Washington Times)
Issue 31 Defusing Confusions with Clay in the UK
Issue 31 Derek’s Story
Success and a poem from a teenager after a Davis program (Gerry Grant)
Issue 32 Desorientierungsmuster bei Buchstaben
Disorientation Examples with Letters (Magdalena Vogel-Eichert)
Issue 29 Die Geschichte von Anna / The Story of Anna
A Davis reading program, in German and English (Gabriela Scholter)
Issue 26 Disorientation and Dyslexic Perception
Description of experimental research exploring how disorientation affects perception (Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 11 Disorientation, Confusion, and the Symptoms of A.D.D.
Adapted and excerpted from the Advanced Davis Procedures Workshop Manual
Issue 40 Do the Davis Methods Address Spelling?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 73 Do you Smell That?
(Cathy Cook)
Issue 62 Don’t Sell Yourself Short!
The Journey of Ian Moore (Rebecca Landes)
Issue 52 Down the Educational Memory Hole
Physical Activity and Attention Focus (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 48 Down with Fractions!?
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 53 Dreams and Speed Bumps
I am 52 and just found out that I'm dyslexic (Sherry A. Baerg)
Issue 33 Dreams Coming True in Iceland
(Alice E. Davis)
Issue 42 Dynamic Duo Entrepenuers
Issue 58 Dyscalculia and the Davis Maths Mastery Programme
(Sara Kramer)
Issue 41 Dyscalculia: Lifting the Lid
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 58 Dyscalculia: Why it Happens and How to Prevent It
(Fionna Pilgrim)
Issue 58 Dyslexia – A Cup Half Full
(Elsie Johnson)
Issue 73 Dyslexia … the Gift
(Jackson Burg)
Issue 48 Dyslexia as a Gift
(Haylee Baer)
Issue 50 Dyslexia Exhibit Wins New Zealand Landscape Award
Issue 58 Dyslexia from the Heart: From Student to Teacher to Facilitator
(Sharon Permack)
Issue 68 Dyslexia the Gift Blog now hosting The Codpast
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 55 Dyslexia: Learning Challenge and Gift
Issue 41 Dyslexic in English
(Dvir Waldfogel)
Issue 50 Dyslexics: The Untapped Scholars
Dyslexic thinkers are imaginative, intuitive and curious (Richard Whitehead)
Issue 32 Early Childhood Education Research: Developmental or Academic
(David Elkind)
Issue 61 Early Miracles
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 42 Ecos Colombianos
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 57 Edward Vickerman “My dyslexia is a gift”
It is the reason that I teach the way I teach (Fionna Pilgrim)
Issue 37 Edward’s Nervous Breakdown
(Judith Jenkinson)
Issue 35 Einblick in unsere Erfas
Report of guest presentation about Tomatis method to Swiss facilitators (Marianne Kranzer)
Issue 24 English Speaking Dyslexics Experience More Difficulty
Summary of Research Report (Dee Weldon White)
Issue 44 Errors: The “Invisible” 800-Pound Gorilla Blocking the Road to Learning
Issue 29 Erstes deutches Schulprojekt mit den Davis Lernstrategien
First German School Project with Davis Learning Strategies (Sonja Heinrich)
Issue 33 Es ist nicht alles Gold was glänzt
All that Glitters is not Gold (Ute Breithaupt)
Issue 25 Explaining Dyslexia to a Child
(Meliesa Hawley)
Issue 45 Fa Nichts: Much Ado About Very Little
Every child and every adult I have ever met first learned to read without phonics (David H. Albert)
Issue 42 Facilitation and Freedom
(Ian Richardson)
Issue 25 Facts about ADHD
(Dee Weldon White)
Issue 74 Finding Direction – a Journey of Overcoming Dyspraxia
(Kelley Phipps)
Issue 11 Finding Order in an A.D.D. World
A first person account (Monti S. Bullock)
Issue 72 Finding The Missing Puzzle PiecesWhen Your Child Has Autism
(Brady's Mom)
Issue 49 Finding the Right Niche
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 11 First Graders Succeed with Symbol Mastery
Issue 30 Flashbacks
An dyslexic adult experiences traumatic memories of childhood humiliation (Daniel Willemin)
Issue 55 Foreword to New Edition of The Gift of Dyslexia
(Linda Kreger Silverman)
Issue 46 Free Audio Books from LibriVox.org
Issue 38 Friends and Family
Parent report of progress of child after Davis Dyslexia and Math programs (Janet Adcox)
Issue 46 From the Heart
(Wendy Haddon)
Issue 32 Gebruik van de Davis Leer Methode
A teacher describes her experience with Davis Learning Strategies in her primary classroom (Nelleke Remerie)
Issue 30 Gedanken über das “Meistern”
Thoughts about the Davis concept of mastery (Wiebke Janssen)
Issue 34 Gehirnuntersuchungen zeigen: Legastheniker lesen besser mit alternativen Strategien
German translation of article, Brain Scans Show Dyslexics Read Better with Alternative Strategies (Abigail Marshall and Sonja Heinrich)
Issue 74 German and English Bilingual Success in Reading, Writing and Math, Thanks to the Davis method!
(Suzanne Buchauer)
Issue 5 Getting Ready for School
Head Start Activities for the Home (Sharon Pfeiffer)
Issue 39 Good Questions and Some Answers
Working with a facilitator vs. working at home from the book (Charlotte Foster)
Issue 40 Good Spelling Days and Bad Spelling Days
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 52 Hang on a MInute…
Is phonemic awareness really essential for reading?
Issue 41 Have Tools – Will Time Travel
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 59 Healing for Mother and Daughter
(Mary Sloyer)
Issue 38 Help for College Students with Disabilities
Issue 59 Henry Winkler,the Fonz in Happy Days, appointed OBE
Dyslexic Actor receives British award
Issue 33 Her Sparkle Has Returned
A parent shares her teenage daughter's experience with a Davis program (Cyndy Baum)
Issue 71 History of the NOIT
(Stacey Borger Smith)
Issue 6 Homeschooling with Symbol Mastery
Issue 74 How Davis Saved My Son
(Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)
Issue 61 How do you read to your child?
Print-referencing Explained
Issue 75 How Homeschooling Set Me Free to Love My ADHD
Book Excerpt (Philip Whitehead)
Issue 71 How is Davis different from tutoring?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 54 I Know! Let’s Put All Our Great Thinkers in Box Stamped “Learning Disabled”
(Elisabeth Snell)
Issue 38 IDEA 2004 Update: Changes to Key Statutes
Issue 45 If you Love a Dyslexic, Get This Book
Issue 47 Implications of Self-Regulation Abilities for Academic Achievement
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 50 In Simon’s Own Words
(Glenys Knopp)
Issue 63 In the News: Parents need help, too
Also: Common Core hits Kindergarten; What STEM Crisis?; IQ is a Myth; ADHD Drug Use Increases in New Zealand
Issue 66 In the News: The Utterly Unsurprising Reasons Kids Cheat In School
Also: Standardized tests and cognitive ability; Sleep, Again; Self-Regulation;
Issue 64 In the News: Disturbing changes in Early Childhood Education
Also: The Myth of Lagging US Schools, Groundbreaking Research in Bilingualism, New Jersey Passes Dyslexia Laws
Issue 65 In the News: Is Learning Cursive Good for Your Brain?
Also: The Benefits of Reading for Fun; Thinking Better from reading Fiction; Extra Time? Choose Wisely
Issue 67 In the News: Just a Little Bit (Fostering Respect)
Also: Taking Their Time; 6 Reasons to Reject Common Core State Standards; IQ Reduced by Air Polution; ADHD? or Symptoms of Childhood Trauma; Too Much of a Colorful Thing; Laptop vs. Hand; Books at Home Increase Test Scores; Libraries are Changing
Issue 62 In the News: Replacing the Disability Paradigm
Also: Visual Attention and Dyslexia; What STEM Crisis; Bored, Stressed or Both?
Issue 38 International Davis Facilitator Symposium a Great Success
Issue 21 Interview with Ron Davis
(Sue Spataro)
Issue 71 Is there a link between perceptual talent and dyslexia?
(Sara Kramer)
Issue 70 Is Using Technology Cheating?
(Melanie Curry)
Issue 64 Is your child a “nonresponder”?
Research Summary (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 73 It Is Never Too Late…
(Vanessa Victor)
Issue 61 IV Amino Acids Improve Test Scores?
Issue 47 Jacob – Up the Ladder of Sucess
(Casey Linwick-Rouzer)
Issue 32 Jessika’s New Self
Davis Client Report (Age 34) (Vickie Kozuki-Ah You)
Issue 47 Joaquín: Diaro de un éxito
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 46 Joaquín: Diary of a Success Story
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 60 Journey Out of the Fog
Davis Attention Mastery for One Adult (Donna Northcutt)
Issue 63 Keep On Reading Aloud
Motivation, interest, and engagement are enhanced when teachers read to students (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 64 Klair de Lys, On Her Dyslexia
(Klaire de Lys and Richard Whitehead)
Issue 30 Kleintjes Leren Lezen
Report of Dutch Research into Davis Learning Strategies (P.L. Gonçalves)
Issue 5 Koosh Ball Therapy
A simple and fun way to build on orientation skills (Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 73 Kyle’s Story – Blair’s Story
(Leah & Jeff Edwards)
Issue 49 La Fidelidad de Uchi
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 31 La Puerta de las que???
A university student reports the benefits of a Davis program (Antonio Garcia)
Issue 64 Learning to pay attention early leads to long-term academic success
Research Summary (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 40 Letters from Bulgaria
(Daniella Boneva)
Issue 34 Lichtpuntjes in Dyslexie-Oerwoud
Rays of Hope in the Dyslexia Jungle (Annet van der Baan)
Issue 30 Links oder rechts?
Exploring the cause and solution for resolving left/right confusion (Ioannis Tzivanakis)
Issue 45 Love Story?
(Elsie Johnson)
Issue 59 Lunacy
The Educational Burden of Standardized Testing (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 67 Making Sense of What’s On The Page
7 Traits of Effective Readers (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 52 Malfunction or Adaptive Solution?
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 24 Mastering Musical Notes with Davis Symbol Mystery
(Jerilynn Carter)
Issue 59 Math Disability Linked to Problems Relating Quantities to Numerals
Issue 52 Mejor prender una vela …
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 49 Michael’s Great Day
(Jean Moser)
Issue 44 Mirror, Mirror, in My Head
Mirror Neurons and Social-Emotional Learning (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 34 Miss Teen Michigan Speaks Out about Dyslexia
(Myrna Burkholder)
Issue 59 More Evidence that Davis is ‘Just Good Teaching’
Six Essential Principles of Learning (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 41 More on Foreign Language Intruction
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 57 More on Mastering Time-Telling
(Margot Young)
Issue 50 More Than They Ever Expected
Unexpected benefits from Davis programs (Kim Ainis)
Issue 42 Mr. Lucas and the Capital A
(David H. Albert)
Issue 32 Much too Early
The importance of developmentally-appropriate early child education (David Elkind)
Issue 43 Musical Expectations
(Geoffrey Keith)
Issue 21 Musically Dyslexic
(Geoffrey Keith)
Issue 50 Musings on “Assuming the Best”
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 39 My “Point” of View
(Jackie M. Black)
Issue 58 My Daughter Has Dyslexia
(Jennifer Gray)
Issue 75 My Dyslexic Journey
(Sgt. David Snowdon)
Issue 70 My Looooong Walk to Success with Dyslexia and Autism
A story from a mother helping her dyslexic and autistic son. (Nicola Killops)
Issue 20 My Reading Buddy
A sixth-grader assists an autistic child (Elise Bergerson)
Issue 50 My Speech on Dyslexia
(Simon Taege)
Issue 67 Names Removed to Protect The Courageous
and some very brave teachers around the US (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 24 Never Underestimate the Importance of a Visual Reference
Davis Technique: Picture at Punctuation (Cyndi Deneson)
Issue 46 New DVD Films Highlight the Davis Program & Methods
Issue 75 New Research Confirms that Dyslexics Read Better with Right Brain Strategies
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 64 New Research: Dyslexics have better picture-memory
(Researchers puzzled by results) (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 66 New Research: Small Screen E-readers And Dyslexia
E-Readers Are More Effective than Paper for Some with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 44 New Zealand Cookie Icon Helps Dyslexics Discover Their Gifts
(Catherine Churton)
Issue 37 News from South Africa
Davis Program Graduate Wins International Art Award (Carine Van Vuuren)
Issue 50 News from The Whole Dyslexic Society
(Sue Hall)
Issue 30 Nick’s Dial
Teaching Davis Dial-Setting to a 5-year-old with pictures (Carol Hern)
Issue 56 No! … I won’t read!!!
(David C. Rosen)
Issue 52 North American Lecture Tour 2009
Discover the Answer to Dyslexia
Issue 74 Not every child is an A grade student. Why we must not let B/C/D be shameful.
(Alice Wilde)
Issue 58 Not Just Another Program
(David Hirst)
Issue 49 Note Proficiency, Part 1
Tips for teaching music to dyslexic students (Geoffrey Keith)
Issue 60 Oh, Yes, I Will Drop Out!
School dropout rates unaffected by laws raising compulsory attendance age
Issue 75 One Man Who Cared
World's Most Amazing Uncle (Marcia Maust and Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 38 One Teacher’s Search for Answers to the Riddle of Dyslexia
What I learned from the Davis Methods (Elenica Pitoska)
Issue 43 OnPoint with Davis Dyslexia Correction Methods
(Cathy Cook and M.Ed.)
Issue 54 Opening the Gift
Why should I expect anything from this magical book? (Amity Scala)
Issue 48 Outstanding Pennsylvania Teen Focus on Dyslexia
(Marcia Maust)
Issue 42 Overcoming a Roadblock
(Janet, Nathan's Mom)
Issue 32 Perseverance is the key!!!
Stories of success from Davis clients (Linda Johannes)
Issue 35 Perseverance is the key!!!
Profiles of children, teens and adults completing Davis programs (Linda Johannes)
Issue 23 Personal Experience Essay
(Peter Henry)
Issue 38 Phonics vs. Whole Language
Reprinted from The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 69 Phonological Dyslexia? Not So Much….
New research casts doubt on role of phonological processing in dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 53 Picture Thinkers
I'm glad I have dyslexia (Ed Richards)
Issue 71 Picture-At-Punctuation:
A Powerful Tool for Assimilating Facts in Reading (Richard Whitehead)
Issue 43 Play Time: Fun Must Be a Big Part of the School Day
(Trish Konzak)
Issue 45 Please Turn That Light Off and Go to Sleep!
(Linda Johannes)
Issue 65 Poor Speller? Relax
A look at some famous poor spellers through history (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 45 Profile in Courage
(Randee Garretson)
Issue 36 Proud Mom Praises Daughter’s Achievements
A parent reports on daughter's progress during 7 years after completion of Davis program (Jill Domosh)
Issue 25 Psychostimulants in America
(Alicia Frasier)
Issue 11 Putting Self in the Picture
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 29 Q&A: Dyslexic Imaginative Abilities
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 33 Q&A: Is dyslexia hereditary?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 63 Q&A: No Pushing! (Signs of Dyslexia in Preschooler)
Also: Hitting the Phonics Wall; Stealth Dyslexia; Rewiring the Brain; Practice, Practice, Practice? (The Arrowsmith program); What’s Real To A Child; Disoriented Driver; Book Buddy (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 31 Q&A: Orientation Counseling when unsure of dyslexia
Also: Statistics concerning twice-exceptional (gifted and dyslexic) children (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 35 Q&A: Professional Training Assignments
Also: Process for modeling abstract words; Hebrew trigger words; Decoding and part-to-whole learning (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 39 Q&A: Toddler Pronounces Words Backwards
Also: Brain dominance; Help for kindergartner; (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 67 Q&A: Wait and See (Will children inherit dyslexia?)
Also: Teaching that Fits How Each Child Learns; Diagnosing Dyslexia; (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 30 Q&A: What is hyperlexia
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 58 Q&A: ADHD and Dyslexia
Also: Good at algebra, but struggles with basic math; Which clay; Low cost classroom implementation of Davis tools; Working alone; Location of Orientation Point (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 48 Q&A: Autism: a kind of ‘super dyslexia?’
Also: Globally Developmentally Delayed (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 56 Q&A: Can dyslexia be prevented?
Also: Creation through Disorientation; Dyslexic brain wiring and learning; Davis methods in Schools; Optimum orientation for different activities; Building reading fluency (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 73 Q&A: Can Dyslexics Excel in School?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 73 Q&A: Can Dyslexics Learn Foreign Languages?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 74 Q&A: Can Symbol Mastery be done in two languages simultaneously?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 60 Q&A: Computing how many ways a dyslexic can see a word
Also: Davis Learning Strategies and kids on medication; Role of environment in developing dyslexia; (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 68 Q&A: Contraction Distraction
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 43 Q&A: Convinced that son is dyslexic despite negative test results
Also: Post-Program Support; Who decides on program, parent or child (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 75 Q&A: Could it be dyslexia?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 37 Q&A: Definitions of Dyslexia
Also: Will I lose my "gift"? (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 74 Q&A: Do all dyslexics have unique gifts?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 52 Q&A: Dyslexia and Math
Also: Forgetfulness; Establishing Order; Davis compared with Learning Breakthrough program (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 72 Q&A: Dyslexia Font?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 44 Q&A: Dyslexic “wanna-be”
Also: Right-Brainer; Davis and Writing; Dyslexic Super Speller (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 75 Q&A: Education of Dyslexic Students
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 71 Q&A: Electronic versus Experiential Learning
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 66 Q&A: Focus and Alignment
Also: Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Dyslexia?; Hand-on Science Teaching; IQ Improvement (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 41 Q&A: Fragile X
Also: New Vocabulary Words; Dyseidetic Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 65 Q&A: Habla Dislexia – Dyslexia in one language only
Also: Orientation in a Noisy Place; (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 71 Q&A: How many definitions?
When doing Symbol Mastery for trigger words, do you have to do all of the definitions? (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 26 Q&A: Internet Resources for Reading Assessment
Also: Colored lenses and dyslexia; Are all picture-thinkers dyslexic? (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 74 Q&A: Is Davis compatible with phonics programs?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 40 Q&A: Learning disabilities and early childhood trauma
Also: Dyssemia; Font choice; Dyslexia and a Military Career (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 49 Q&A: Let child discover own mistakes
Also: Difficulty creating mental pictures; Disorientation sometimes valuable; Unsure if daughters are dyslexic (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 69 Q&A: Mathlexia
Floating Numbers | Clay Words: 3D Modeling vs. Inscribing (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 46 Q&A: Medications & Dyslexia
Also: Best time for summer dyslexia program; Trouble with little words; Davis program for adults; Post-program follow through (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 42 Q&A: Mental Pictures vs. Clay Model
Also: Can a speed reader be dyslexic? - Old solution or natural strategy (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 64 Q&A: Mirrored Writing
Also: Will my baby be dyslexic?, Pipe Cleaners vs. Clay; Dyslexia without Disability; (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 57 Q&A: Mixed Dominance?
Also: Whether to continue with phonics; Order of introducing Davis tools; Developing awareness of disoriention (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 75 Q&A: More Time for Tests?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 70 Q&A: Next Steps
Orientation Counseling & Beyond | Early Signs of Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 47 Q&A: Outgrown or overcome?
Also: Dyslexia statistics; A child who refuses to try the Davis program; Helping a sibling with ADHD (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 27 Q&A: Phoneme Awareness; Picture-at-Punctuation
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 32 Q&A: Phonics Instruction and the Davis program
Also: Davis tools with younger children (age 4); Importance of trigger word modeling (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 55 Q&A: Phonics teaching after a Davis Program
Also: Picture at Punctuation; Difficulty with Long Division; Davis Reading Program for Young Learners (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 51 Q&A: Phun with Clay vs. Fonix
Also: Why dyslexics spell phonetically; Scientific validity of dyslexia diagnosis (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 28 Q&A: Research on Dyslexic Talents
Also: Is dyslexia an old-fashioned term? (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 75 Q&A: Should a Student Be Able to Remember Symbol Mastery Models?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 61 Q&A: Speech-to-Text for Spelling?
Also: Schedulling Issues; Difficulty learning English; Specifics Improvement expected with Davis Program (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 54 Q&A: Swiveling Camera Eye
Also: Disoriented Daydreamer; Backwards Out Come Sentences; Letters in the Wrong Order; Teaching English in Italy; Over-stimulated or Predisposed? (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 45 Q&A: Television and Visual Media
Also: Unlisted trigger words; Helping a Sibling; Drawbacks of Flash Cards (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 53 Q&A: Thinking Nonverbally with Trigger Words
Also: Orthography and Dyslexia; Verbal Mix-ups (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 50 Q&A: Trying to Super Glue the Mind’s Eye
Also: Adapting to multiple approaches; Alternative paths to a Davis program (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 72 Q&A: What is Dyslexia
Questions from a 6th Grade Student (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 73 Q&A: What Is Happening When My Son Reads?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 73 Q&A: What is the Davis Reading Program for Young Learners?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 38 Q&A: When child cannot move mind’s eye during assessment
Also: Auditory processing; left-handedness; Dysnemkineidesia; special ed; planning home program (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 59 Q&A: Whole word learning
Also: Reading skills addressed by Davis; Tools for Spelling; Taking Breaks; A new way to focus; No need to rush (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 62 Q&A: Working Memory
Also: Alphabet Mastery; Davis Program in Spanish & English; Numbers or Words; Spelling Aloud vs. Spelling on Paper; Research on Orton-Gillingham or Wilson; Visual-Spatial Talents in a Preschooler; Preparing a Recipe Book (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 54 Questions Teacher Ask about Dyslexia and Davis Dyslexia Correction
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 72 Reading with Dyslexia: From Phonics to Meaning
(Melanie Curry)
Issue 44 ReadOn – Positive Outcomes for Students with Reading Difficulties
(Jane Mangano)
Issue 46 ReadOn Receives iAward
Issue 74 Ready to Learn at Waihao Downs School
A parents’ guide to the use of the Davis Learning Strategies at Waihao Downs School in Canterbury, New Zealand (Waihao Downs School website)
Issue 31 Really? Hurray! I Have Dyslexia!
(Kellee K. Sikes)
Issue 10 Red Dirt and Water
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 52 Remembering Tim
On the death of dyslexia researcher T.R. Miles (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 66 Rescuing Childhood
The importance of childhood play (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 61 Research Confirms Dyslexics Make Excellent Entrepreneurs
Issue 27 Restoring Motivation
(Alice J. Pratt)
Issue 74 Retaining the Struggling Adult Learner
Chapter excerpt from Supporting the Success of Adult and Online Students (Liz Bertran)
Issue 46 Rhythm Proficiency
Getting the student to play accurately is one of the biggest challenges for the music teacher attempting to teach a student with dyslexia (Geoffrey Keith)
Issue 62 School of None
The Realitly and the Hype Behind Online Learning and other Educational Initiatives (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 6 Schools that Teach Failure
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 35 Significant Implications for Davis Methods in New Dyslexia Research
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 48 Six Years Later: A Mom’s Look Back
(Janet Confer)
Issue 52 Sixteen Amazing Days in New Zealand
(Alice E. Davis and Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 74 Sleep Deprived Dyslexic
(Cigdem Knebel)
Issue 60 Sleeping in Pellucidar
Imagining a world without the concept of time (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 60 Sleeping on Earth
A historical look at how indoor lighting changed sleep patterns (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 28 Slowly but Surely
A Davis client's post-program progress (Myrna Burkholder)
Issue 44 Small Events Can Lead to Big Changes
Davis Workshops in Estonia (Tatjana Lavrova)
Issue 50 Steadfast Uchi
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 60 Stephen Krashen Defines Reading at Grade Level
Issue 29 Stephen’s Story
A Davis facilitator works with a deaf client (Randee Garretson)
Issue 47 Stepping Past Labels
(Casey McGrath)
Issue 4 Strategies for Gifted Visual-Spatial Learners
(Linda Kreger Silverman and Jeffrey N. Freed)
Issue 40 Strategies for Spelling
Reprinted from The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Dyslexia (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 66 Study supports Davis Symbol Mastery
A published case study of a 4th grade student (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 45 Success Stories
In Anthony's Words (Michele Siegmann)
Issue 24 Success Story
Post Program Progress Report (age 7 to 11) (Marcia Maust)
Issue 25 Success with Dial-Setting
(Paula Morehead)
Issue 28 Summer Learning is Fun!!
Using Symbol Mastery to tackle a new hobby: boating (Sue Hall)
Issue 27 Symbol Mastery for Multi-Lingual Students and Second Language Acquisition
(Alice E. Davis)
Issue 27 Symbol Mastery Q&A
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 48 Taare Zameen Par Wins Film Awards in India
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 32 Talking with Clay
(Hilary Farmer)
Issue 55 Teach Your Child to Understand Analog and Digital Time – With Clay!
(Carol Nelson)
Issue 31 Tears, Frustration and Towels Needing Rescuing
A Story of New Hope for One Dyslexic Learner (Julie Bourbon)
Issue 60 Teenage Brains are Different
Issue 46 Telling it Like it Is
(Linda Johannes)
Issue 40 Testing Out of Special Ed: One Mom’s Story of Success
(Ann, a Minnesota Mom)
Issue 54 That’s Ostrobogulous!
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 41 The “Quilts” of Education
(Kim Carson)
Issue 35 The Abilities of Those with Reading Disabilities (Part 1)
Focusing on the Talents of People with Dyslexia (Thomas G. West)
Issue 36 The Abilities of Those with Reading Disabilities (Part 2)
Focusing on the Talents of People with Dyslexia (Thomas G. West)
Issue 37 The Abilities of Those with Reading Disabilities (Part 3)
Focusing on the Talents of People with Dyslexia (Thomas G. West)
Issue 46 The Achiever’s Journey
(Genevieve David)
Issue 59 The Armchair of Dreams
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 49 The Beginning of the End of ‘Reading First’
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 69 The Best Answer: Opt Out
Standardized Assessments? Say No. (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 40 The Best of Both Worlds
(Michele Siegmann)
Issue 62 The Bird in the Window
Review of The Gorilla in the Room, by Susan Ohanian (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 10 The Birth of a Davis Facilitator
(Hilary Farmer)
Issue 7 The Building Blocks of Reading
An Imagined Conversation between Ron Davis and Maria Montessori (Dr. Joan M. Smith)
Issue 59 The Davis Program: A Discovery of “Self”
(Esther Sloyer)
Issue 72 The Discovery
(Ronald D. Davis and Elizabeth Currie Shier)
Issue 57 The Disney Pattern for Writing Improvement
Master the question words: who, what, where, when, why, how and which (Raewyn Matheson)
Issue 38 The Duststorm of Deception
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 60 The Dyslexic Brain
Wired for Whole Brain Thinking (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 51 The Ecology of Learning
Dyslexia: A Summons to Eco-Learning (Richard Whitehead)
Issue 41 The Engelbrecht Controlled Study of Davis Methods in South Africa
Research Summary
Issue 49 The Fabulous, Famous Dyslexic, Henry Winkler
(Karen LoGiudice)
Issue 73 The Genesis of the Reading Research Council
(Ronald D. Davis and Elizabeth Currie Shier)
Issue 32 The Giants of Early Childhood Development
(David Elkind)
Issue 56 The Gift of Dyslexia I Discovered
Dyslexia is not an obstacle, but a gift that I am grateful for (Sierra Smith)
Issue 30 The History of Concept Mastery and Symbol Mastery
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 10 The Joy of Clay
A quick tour of the world of modeling compounds
Issue 32 The Logical Structure of Learning Reading & Math
(David Elkind)
Issue 47 The Making of a Bookworm
(Linda Daniels)
Issue 47 The Myth of Early Intervention
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 63 The Neural Signature of Creativity
Brain Scan Explains Connection between Disorientation and the Creative Process (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 73 The Painted Beach
(Cheryl Rodrigues)
Issue 60 The Pattern on the Rug
How educational reform efforts damage schools
Issue 65 The Power of Modeling for Mastery
Issue 69 The Problem with Reading By-the-Numbers
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 65 The Rabbit Who Could Not Hop
A story by an 8 year old Davis Dyslexia graduate (George Johnson)
Issue 45 The Real Me and the Truth About Reading
(Tina McInerney)
Issue 60 The Rebellion Has Been Televised
Resisting standardized testing in schools
Issue 70 The Role of Meaning in Education
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 42 The Seven Causes of Handwriting Problems, Part 1
Excerpt from The Gift of Learning (Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 43 The Seven Causes of Handwriting Problems, Part 2
The Seven Causes of Handwriting Problems, Part 2 (Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 23 The Shifting Sands of Dyslexia Science
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 57 The Sleeping Dragon of Portable Four
(Maria A. Serrano-Lopez)
Issue 48 The Soul of Golf Teaching
(Donald Kehoe)
Issue 41 The Story of Happy Horace
(Ian Richardson)
Issue 40 The Threshold for Confusion
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 66 The Truth About Dyslexic Underdogs
Dyslexia is a part of me and will be an advantage in my life (Victoria Barski)
Issue 49 The Undiagnosed Teenager with Dyslexia
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 65 The Universe at Work
A Clay-Eating Dog (Elizabeth Currie Shier)
Issue 39 The Way I See It
(Daniel Willemin)
Issue 36 Thoughts from a Tutor
Interview with Denise Andresen (Kim Ainis)
Issue 28 Thoughts Over Coffee
The difference between phonics skills and reading ability (Suzanne Hailey)
Issue 62 Three Parts to a Word – an Explanation from Brain Research
Profililng research findings of Uta Frith (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 62 Tick, Tock, Get Off the Clock
Eliminating Time as a Metric in Testing (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 51 Time for a “Slow Speech” Movement?
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 61 Timed Tests and the Development of Math Anxiety
Review of article by Jo Boaler (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 54 Timmy Subdues a Cloud of Letters
(Lesa Hall)
Issue 40 TPR (Total Physical Response) Foreign Language Instruction for the Dyslexia Learning Style
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 23 Treasures
Exploring a child's imagination during a Davis program (Alice J. Pratt)
Issue 66 Two Lovely Testimonials
Reports from clients of the late John Mertz
Issue 44 Ty’s Visit to “America’s County”
(Marcia Maust)
Issue 65 Tyler O – The World’s First NOIT User
An Explosion of Language - Changes in Focus and Attention (Elizabeth Currie Shier)
Issue 56 UK Davis Facilitators Association Active at BDA June 2010 Family Day
(Sara Kramer)
Issue 35 UK Program Offers Young Adults a Second Chance
Davis Methods used in Entry to Employment program (Hilary Farmer)
Issue 70 Un-Schooling my Son
(Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)
Issue 45 Under one Roof
The formation of DDA-DACH
Issue 49 Understanding my Gift
(Mark Whidden)
Issue 35 University of Arizona Study Shows Davis Symbol Mastery Effective for Foreign Language Learning
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 40 University of California and the SAT Exam
(Elise Bergerson)
Issue 43 Unwrapping the Gift of Dyslexia
A mom traces her son's path (Ruth Guckenberger)
Issue 24 Using Animals to Match Dial Settings
(Jayne Heywood)
Issue 46 Valedictorian Celebrates Dyslexia
(Mary Kay Frasier)
Issue 71 Validation of Davis Symbol Mastery
(Charlotte Foster)
Issue 28 Viewpoints on Motivation: Trusting your Child
(Alice J. Pratt)
Issue 34 Viking Spirit: An Aunt’s Saga
(Lisa Thatcher)
Issue 41 Visual-Experiential Home Schooling Programs
(Nancy D. Kress)
Issue 52 Waiting for Recess
Kindergarten environments no longer serve the needs of their young students
Issue 40 Waking Up: The Origin of Concept Mastery
(Ronald D. Davis)
Issue 29 Was sind bildlose Wörter? Ein Definitionsversuch
What are Picture-less Words? An attempt to define (Ioannis Tzivanakis)
Issue 64 We are all dyslexic!
(Angi Edwards)
Issue 61 We fixed it!
(Tara M. Frickel)
Issue 59 Weaning Education Off Textbooks
Why reading alone doesn't work for learning and retaining new concepts (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 67 Weird Words
Issue 34 What a Difference We Are Making
(Raewyn Matheson)
Issue 61 What a wonderful gift!
(Elizabeth Currie Shier)
Issue 66 What Can’t Be Measured
What standardized tests can't tell us (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 48 What Do They Have in Common?
There is hope for people with dyslexia (Rene Engelbrecht)
Issue 21 What Happened to Kyle!
Post Program Progress Report (Cyndi Deneson)
Issue 23 What Happens Next
Exploring school accommodations after a Davis program (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 26 What Happens to a Family When a Non-Reader Becomes a Reader
Insights and advice for parents (Jill Stowell)
Issue 72 What is an Energy Dial…
and Why is There a Lizard on It? (Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)
Issue 71 What is Disorientation?
(Ronald D. Davis and Elizabeth Currie Shier)
Issue 63 What Kids Are Reading
The Book-Reading Habits of Students in American Schools (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 68 What Kids are Reading
The Book-Reading Habits of Students in American Schools (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 29 What Motivates Someone to Become a Davis Facilitator?
(Alice J. Pratt)
Issue 59 What the World Needs Now, is a Few More Hiccups
(Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 36 What would Dr. Orton Think Today?
(Abigail Marshall)
Issue 52 What’s in a Name?
Detailed Processors and Diversified Processors (Brenda Baird)
Issue 67 What’s Really Wrong With School
10 Problems with Common Core Standards (Laura Zink de Diaz)
Issue 67 When Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia and Hypotonia Intersect
Orientation Counseling, Auditory Orientation, the Koosh ball exercise, Release and Dial were the tools needed (Lorraine Charbonneau)
Issue 55 When Your Weakness Becomes Your Greatest Strength
(Laura Walth)
Issue 55 Why “Tyrannosaurus”, but not “If”?
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 57 Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’, but not ‘If’? Part Three
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 56 Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’, but not ‘If’? Part Two
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 6 Why a Drug-Free Program
(Brian K. Grimes)
Issue 70 Why Dyslexia is a Gift of Creativity
(Renée van der Vloodt)
Issue 41 Why Education is Important to Me
Issue 72 Why I Believe In Ronald Davis’ Method
(Dr. Catherine Dolto)
Issue 66 Word meaning and processing speed
Research Findings shed light on difficulty with small words (Abigail Marshall)
Issue 68 Would you work with a 70-year-old?
(Suzanne Buchauer)
Issue 55 Written from the Heart
(Jynette Brumpton)
Issue 40 You Want Me to Write a What?
(Heather Vietti)
Issue 55 ¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’, pero no ‘Cual’?
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 56 ¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’, pero no ‘Cual’? Segunda Parte
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 57 ¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’, pero no ‘Cual’? Tercera Parte
(Richard Whitehead)
Issue 75 “Focus! Concentrate!”
Why can my kid focus on his video game for hours, but school work for only five minutes? (Dr. Angela L. Gonzales)