Brigid McConville
Brigid McConville is an award-winning journalist, filmmaker, and author. She profiled the Davis method in 1998, following the progress of students working with the first Davis Facilitator to be licensed in the UK. She currently is the creative director of the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood.
Articles on this site

Diary of a Week with a Facilitator
Diary of 13-year-old Bridget Dalton’s week with her Davis facilitator Monday I was really excited because I was having a week off school and coming to a place I didn’t know and staying in a bed-and-breakfast. But I was also […]

I can see clearly now: Beating dyslexia with clay
As all too many parents know, the quest for “solutions” to dyslexia can be a long and frustrating one. But now a new teaching method – in which dyslexics model key words in clay – promises to put an end […]