
Authors: Matthew K Burns, Lisa N. Aguilar, Kristy Warmbold-Brann, June L. Preast, Crystal N. Taylor.

Article: Effect of Acquisition Rates On Off-Task Behavior of Kindergarten Students While Learning Sight Words.

Publication: Psychology in the Schools (Wiley). 58(1), 5-17 2021 | DOI: 10.1002/pits.22429

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Assessing a student’s acquisition rates (ARs) is a reliable way to determine how many new words should be taught in one lesson without reducing retention. Exceeding a student’s AR can result in frustration and problem behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of AR on the off-task behavior of kindergarten students while participating in a commonly used sight-word instruction video. Participants included 39 kindergarten students whose ARs were assessed before showing the sight-word video. Behavior was measured as on-and off-task using momentary time-sampling with 10-s intervals. Results indicated that students’ time off task increased after exceeding their ARs, with a noticeable immediate increase. The implications and limitations of these results are discussed.

Tagged as: attention focus, disorientation, and threshold for confusion


Burns, M., Aguilar, L., Warmbold-Brann, K., Preast, J., Taylor, C. (2021). Effect of Acquisition Rates On Off-Task Behavior of Kindergarten Students While Learning Sight Words. Psychology in the Schools, 58(1), 5-17.