
Authors: International Literacy Association.

Article: Dyslexia: A response to the International Dyslexia Association [Research Advisory Addendum]..

Publication: 2016

[Full Text]

Key Points:

  • There is no certifiable best method for teaching children who experience
    reading difficulty
  • In the National Reading Panel report on the effects of specific programs, the
    Orton-Gillingham program had the lowest average effect size.
  • Students who experience difficulty acquiring literacy require more careful and
    responsive application of consistent principles by knowledgeable, well-prepared teachers
  • The National Reading Panel’s guidance calls for a broader, more responsive
    instructional approach rather than focusing solely on systematic phonics.

Tagged as: national reading panel, og-overview, orton-gillingham, and phonics-based intervention


International Literacy Association. (2016). Dyslexia: A response to the International Dyslexia Association [Research Advisory
Addendum]. Newark, DE: Author.

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