Authors: J. Ganesh Kumar and Maya Rathnasabapathy.
Publication: Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13: 5831-5834. 2018 | DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2018.5831.5834
This study attempted to find out the difference in various methods of recollecting words among children with and without dyslexia. This study is descriptive in nature. The sample consisted of 60 children between the age group of 10-13 years. Purposive sampling method was adopted. The 30 children with dyslexia were taken from the special schools and 30 children without dyslexia were taken from mainstream schools. The study adopted three different recalling methods text visualization and written task, picture visualization and written task, picture visualization and verbal task. In the first method, the text visualization and written task, the participants were shown the list of ungrouped words for 60 sec and were asked to recall the words and jot them down on a sheet of paper within a minute and the same procedure was repeated for the grouped and gender specific word lists too. In the second method, picture visualization and written task, the participants were shown a number of pictures for 60 sec and were asked to recall the pictures and write their names within a minute. Finally, in the third method. Picture visualization and verbal task, the participants were shown the pictures and were asked to recall verbally which were then recorded separately for all the three methods. Results indicated that the children with dyslexia were able to recollect the words better when the words were presented under categories rather than in a random order. Their recalling performance was better in picture visualization and verbal tasks than in picture visualisation and written tasks.