Early detection of learning problems, key to tackling them

Early detection of learning problems, key to tackling them 
from DH Deccan Herald
Published on 07/12/2022 - Reported by Swatee Jog
For years, India’s ASER Report published by Pratham and several surveys of the government have reiterated that sometimes kids studying in Class 5 cannot read and write from a Class 2 textbook. The problem is not as much with access to education as it is with learning difficulties among school kids. Simple interventions in the early years can bring these kids on track and help them keep pace with normal kids.
Remedial measures
Effective remedial measures are necessary to correct this. For example, the Davis Dyslexia Correction program recognises that dyslexic children think in three-dimensional pictures and not words. This knowledge helps educators devise methods to control the roving mind’s eye.
Other methods like working with clay and modelling alphabets and numbers from it also help such children in ‘feeling’ the shape and reproducing it better on paper. Once a child is comfortable with the alphabet and numbers, it becomes easier to keep pace with what’s written on the board and copy it quickly in the notebook.