
Authors: Christy R. Austin, Alexis N.. Boucher.

Article: Integrating Word-Meaning Instruction Within Word-Reading Instruction.

Publication: Intervention in School and Clinic (Sage Journals). first published online: September 23, 2021 2021 | DOI: 10.1177/10534512211047592

Despite strong theoretical and empirical evidence suggesting that word meaning knowledge plays a critical role in word reading, interventions for students with word reading difficulties and disabilities frequently target word reading instruction in isolation. This article bridges reading theory to practice by describing one approach to integrate word-meaning instruction within word-reading instruction to support students who have mastered foundational phonics skills but require additional support to read multisyllabic words with accuracy and fluency. Included are the steps a teacher could use to implement integrated word reading and word meaning instruction utilizing the multisyllabic, academic vocabulary words students must be able to read and understand to comprehend complex science or social studies texts.

Tagged as: accuracy, flluency, reading instruction, vocabulary, and word meaning


Austin, C. R., & Boucher, A. N. (2021). Integrating Word-Meaning Instruction Within Word-Reading Instruction. Intervention in School and Clinic.

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