
Authors: Michael J. Proulx & Hannah-May Elmasry.

Article: Stroop interference in adults with dyslexia.

Publication: Neurocase (Taylor and Francis). 21:4, 413-417 2015 | DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2014.914544

[Full Text]

Prior research on developmental dyslexia using Stroop tasks with young participants has found increased interference in participants with dyslexia relative to controls. Here we extend these findings to adult participants, and introduce a novel test of Stroop incongruity, whereby the color names appeared on an object colored in the incongruent color. The results imply that impaired inhibitory and executive attentional mechanisms are still deficient in adults with dyslexia and that other forms of attentional mechanisms, such as object-based attention, might also be impaired in dyslexia. Dyslexia arises not only from deficits in phonological processing, but from attentional mechanisms as well.

Tagged as: stroop interference


Michael J. Proulx & Hannah-May Elmasry (2015) Stroop interference in adults with dyslexia, Neurocase, 21:4, 413-417, DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2014.914544

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