Laura Zink de Diaz
Laura Zink de Diaz is the founder of Prolinguista, a provider of workshops in TPR and instructional materials for foreign language and ESL teachers. She is also a licensed Davis Dyslexia Correction® provider and provides services to students in Spanish and English in Colombia; her web site is at Laura was the managing editor of The Dyslexic Reader for many years.
Articles on this site

TPR Foreign Language Instruction and Dyslexia
Because I’m a former language teacher and consultant in TPR (Total Physical Response) and language instruction in general, I’m asked with some regularity about appropriate foreign language instruction for students with a dyslexic learning or thinking style. I’m quick to […]
Articles in The Dyslexic Reader:
- All the Rest is Noise The impact of poverty on student achievement (Issue 68)
- An Elegant Reply Proud to be dyslexic (Issue 66)
- Another Davis Success Story Sara earns her PhD (Issue 62)
- Asher’s Laws on Language Learning and Teaching (Issue 59)
- bAd Boy Makes Good Vicenzo Gicmmanco, producer of "bAd", a short film about a dyslexic child (Issue 49)
- Book Review: Free to Learn Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self Reliant, and Better Students for Life (by Peter Gray) (Issue 63)
- Book Review: Michael Vey The Prisoner of Cell 25 Book One (by Richard Paul Evans) (Issue 64)
- Book Review: Readicide How Schools Are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It (by Kelly Gallagher) (Issue 64)
- Book Review: Reign of Error The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools, by Diane Ravitch (Issue 65)
- Book Review: Teaching the Critical Vocabulary of the Common Core 55 Words That Make or Break Student Understanding (by Marilee Sprenger) (Issue 64)
- Common Sense vs. Common Core: How to Minimize the Damages of the Common Core In-depth review of Yong Zhao blog (Issue 61)
- Creatividad: ¿En Qué Consiste y Cómo La Cultivamos? (Issue 54)
- Creativity: What is It- And Where Can I Get Some (Issue 54)
- Down the Educational Memory Hole Physical Activity and Attention Focus (Issue 52)
- Down with Fractions!? (Issue 48)
- Ecos Colombianos (Issue 42)
- Finding the Right Niche (Issue 49)
- Have Tools – Will Time Travel (Issue 41)
- Joaquín: Diaro de un éxito (Issue 47)
- Joaquín: Diary of a Success Story (Issue 46)
- Keep On Reading Aloud Motivation, interest, and engagement are enhanced when teachers read to students (Issue 63)
- La Fidelidad de Uchi (Issue 49)
- Lunacy The Educational Burden of Standardized Testing (Issue 59)
- Making Sense of What’s On The Page 7 Traits of Effective Readers (Issue 67)
- Malfunction or Adaptive Solution? (Issue 52)
- Mejor prender una vela … (Issue 52)
- Mirror, Mirror, in My Head Mirror Neurons and Social-Emotional Learning (Issue 44)
- More Evidence that Davis is ‘Just Good Teaching’ Six Essential Principles of Learning (Issue 59)
- More on Foreign Language Intruction (Issue 41)
- Musings on “Assuming the Best” (Issue 50)
- Names Removed to Protect The Courageous and some very brave teachers around the US (Issue 67)
- Poor Speller? Relax A look at some famous poor spellers through history (Issue 65)
- Rescuing Childhood The importance of childhood play (Issue 66)
- School of None The Realitly and the Hype Behind Online Learning and other Educational Initiatives (Issue 62)
- Sleeping in Pellucidar Imagining a world without the concept of time (Issue 60)
- Sleeping on Earth A historical look at how indoor lighting changed sleep patterns (Issue 60)
- Steadfast Uchi (Issue 50)
- Taare Zameen Par Wins Film Awards in India (Issue 48)
- That’s Ostrobogulous! (Issue 54)
- The Armchair of Dreams (Issue 59)
- The Beginning of the End of ‘Reading First’ (Issue 49)
- The Best Answer: Opt Out Standardized Assessments? Say No. (Issue 69)
- The Bird in the Window Review of The Gorilla in the Room, by Susan Ohanian (Issue 62)
- The Problem with Reading By-the-Numbers (Issue 69)
- Tick, Tock, Get Off the Clock Eliminating Time as a Metric in Testing (Issue 62)
- Time for a “Slow Speech” Movement? (Issue 51)
- Timed Tests and the Development of Math Anxiety Review of article by Jo Boaler (Issue 61)
- TPR (Total Physical Response) Foreign Language Instruction for the Dyslexia Learning Style (Issue 40)
- Weaning Education Off Textbooks Why reading alone doesn't work for learning and retaining new concepts (Issue 59)
- What Can’t Be Measured What standardized tests can't tell us (Issue 66)
- What Kids Are Reading The Book-Reading Habits of Students in American Schools (Issue 63)
- What Kids are Reading The Book-Reading Habits of Students in American Schools (Issue 68)
- What the World Needs Now, is a Few More Hiccups (Issue 59)
- What’s Really Wrong With School 10 Problems with Common Core Standards (Issue 67)